Average Community College Student Size

The national average community college student size is approximately 4,630 students (2025).
For public community colleges, the average student size is approximately 7,435 students.
For private community colleges, the average student size is approximately 886 students.
College Size Range: 1053 12235 Avg. College Size: 4236

Average Community College Student Size (2025)

Average College Size
Largest Colleges
(# of Students)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the national average community college student size?
The national average community college student size is 4,630 for 2025.
What are schools with the highest average community college student size in the United States?
The schools with the highest average community college student size in the United States include Ivy Tech Community College, Lone Star College System and Dallas College.
What is the state with the highest average community college student size?
The state with the highest average community college student size is Idaho.

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Did You Know?

The state with the smallest average community college student size is Montana, with an average student size of 1,053 students. The state with the highest average community college student size is Idaho, with an average student size of 12,235 students.