Central Wyoming College Photo #6 - Be a radio DJ for the CWC Rustler Radio station.

Central Wyoming College

2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501
Top Ranked (2025): View Rankings

School Highlights

Central Wyoming College serves 2,377 students (28% of students are full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 10:1 is lower than the state community college average of 11:1.
Minority enrollment is 40% of the student body (majority Hispanic), which is more than the state average of 27%.

Quick Stats (2025)

  • Enrollment: 2,377 students
  • In-state tuition: $3,024
  • Out-state tuition: $7,128
  • Student:teacher ratio: 10:1
  • Minority enrollment: 40%
  • Source: Verified school update

Top Rankings

Central Wyoming College ranks among the top 20% of public schools in Wyoming for:


School Overview

The teacher population of 245 teachers has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Central Wyoming College
(WY) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Career & Technical-Mixed Traditional/Nontraditional
Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Career & Technical-High Nontraditional
Institution Level
Four or more years
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Total Faculty
245 staff
245 staff
This chart displays total faculty of Central Wyoming College and community college average number of faculty in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.

Student Body

The student population of Central Wyoming College has grown by 22% over five years.
The student:teacher ratio of 10:1 has increased from 7:1 over five years.
The Central Wyoming College diversity score of 0.61 is more than the state average of 0.45. The school's diversity has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Total Enrollment
2,377 students
2,377 students
This chart displays the total enrollment of Central Wyoming College and community college average number of enrollment of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
Student : Teacher Ratio
This chart displays the student staff ratio of Central Wyoming College and community college average student staff ratio of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
# Full-Time Students
669 students
899 students
This chart displays the total number of Full-time students enrollment of Central Wyoming College and average number of community college Full-time students enrollment of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
# Part-Time Students
1,708 students
2,308 students
This chart displays the total number of Part-time students enrollment of Central Wyoming College and average number of community college Part-time students enrollment of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
This chart displays the Full-time students and Part-time students enrollment breakdown of Central Wyoming College.
This chart displays community college average Full-Time students and Part-Time students enrollment breakdown of Wyoming.
# Enrollment Undergraduate
237 students
237 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
669 students
899 students
This chart displays the total number of Full-time undergraduate students enrollment of Central Wyoming College and average number of community college Full-time undergraduate  students enrollment of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
1,708 students
2,308 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
301 students
620 students
This chart displays the dormitory capacity of Central Wyoming College and the community college average dormitory capacity of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% American Indian/Alaskan
This chart displays the percentage of American Indian/Alaskan students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of American Indian/Alaskan community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Asian
This chart displays the percentage of Asian students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of Asian community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Hispanic
This chart displays the percentage of Hispanic students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of Hispanic community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2021-22 school year data.
% Black
This chart displays the percentage of Black students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of Black community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% White
This chart displays the percentage of White students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of White community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% Hawaiian
This chart displays the percentage of Hawaiian students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of Hawaiian community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Two or more races
This chart displays the percentage of Two or more races students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of Two or more races community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% Non Resident races
This chart displays the percentage of Non Resident students in Central Wyoming College and the percentage of Non Resident community college students in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Unknown races
This chart displays the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Central Wyoming College.
This chart displays the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Wyoming.
Diversity Score
This chart displays the diversity score of Central Wyoming College and the community college average diversity score of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
This chart displays completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Central Wyoming College and community college average completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)
This chart displays average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Central Wyoming College and community college average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Wyoming by year, disaggregated by student subgroups with the latest 2012-13 school year data.

Tuition and Acceptance Rate

The public in-state tuition of $3,024 is more than the state average of $2,855. The in-state tuition has declined by 32% over four years.
The public out-state tuition of $7,128 is more than the state average of $6,991. The out-state tuition has declined by 31% over four years.
In-State Tuition Fees
This chart displays tuition fees for an in-state student of Central Wyoming College and the public community college average tuition fees for an in-state student of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
Out-State Tuition Fees
This chart displays tuition fees for an out-of-state student of Central Wyoming College and the public community college average tuition fees for an out-of-state student of Wyoming by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid
This chart displays the percent of students who is receiving some financial aid in Central Wyoming College and the percent of community college students who is receiving some financial aid in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
Median Debt for Graduates
This chart displays median debt for students who have completed a certificate or degree in Central Wyoming College and average median debt for community college students who have completed a certificate or degree in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
Median Debt for Dropouts
This chart displays median debt for students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Central Wyoming College and average median debt for community college students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Wyoming by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.


Total Sports Offered
7 sports
Basketball, Cross Country, Equestrian, Golf, Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing, Volleyball


Total ExtracurricularsTotal Extra-curric.
19 extracurriculars
Club or Organization:
Chess Club, Climbing Club, Criminal Justice Club, Film Club, Gear Up Club, GSA - Gay Straight Alliance Club, LDS Student Association, Mad Scientists Club, Multicultural Club, National Society of Leadership and Success, Outdoor Adventure Club, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Rodeo Club, Student Activities Board, Student Nursing Association, Student Senate, United Tribes Club, WyoFanatics - Outdoor Hunting and Fishing Club

Recreational Athletic Programs:
Climbing Team
Source: 2024 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) , School Administrators

School Notes

  • Central Wyoming College is a comprehensive community college located in Riverton near the confluence of the Big and Little Wind Rivers in Fremont County. While the main campus is located in Riverton, CWC has off-campus sites in Jackson, Lander, Thermopolis, Dubois and the nearby Wind River Indian Reservation. The college also delivers college coursework nationwide via a variety of distance delivery methods. Founded in 1966 by a county-wide vote, CWC is one of Wyoming's seven public two-year community colleges. The college offers a wide variety of programs and services to students, businesses and community members of all ages. The college has credentials and associate degrees in career-technical (applied) programs specifically for students looking to immediately enter the job market and numerous academic transfer programs for students planning to continue on for bachelor and advanced degrees. The college offersv Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science, as well as advanced degrees available from regional universities on CWC campus. The college's main campus is made up of modern buildings and facilities, which include a library and Food Court constructed in 1994 and a new student residence hall completed in 2002. Most of the campus was remodeled during the 1994 construction project and every nook and cranny was wired to establish a robust computer network. The college also owns a Field Station in the Sinks Canyon south of Lander and a Main Street center in Lander. The college is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of North Central Association.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Central Wyoming College cost?
Central Wyoming College's tuition is approximately $3,024 for In-State students and $7,128 for Out-State students.
What schools are Central Wyoming College often compared to?
Central Wyoming Collegeis often viewed alongside schools like Casper College by visitors of our site.
What sports does Central Wyoming College offer?
Central Wyoming College offers 7 interscholastic sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Equestrian, Golf, Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing and Volleyball.
What is Central Wyoming College's ranking?
Central Wyoming College ranks among the top 20% of community college in Wyoming for: Percent of students receiving financial aid.
In what neighborhood is Central Wyoming College located?
Central Wyoming College is located in the Central Wyoming College neighborhood of Riverton, WY.

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Quick Stats (2025)

  • Enrollment: 2,377 students
  • In-state tuition: $3,024
  • Out-state tuition: $7,128
  • Student:teacher ratio: 10:1
  • Minority enrollment: 40%
  • Source: Verified school update

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Did You Know?

For Wyoming public community colleges, the average tuition is approximately $2,855 per year for in-state students and $6,991 for out-of-state students. Read more about average community college tuition costs across the country.

Wyoming community colleges have a diversity score of 0.45, which is higher than the national average of 0.00. The most diverse community college in Wyoming is Laramie County Community College. Read more about community college diversity statistics in the USA.

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