Community College News

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Declining Enrollment and the Widening Gender Gap

Declining Enrollment and the Widening Gender Gap
Going to college is a major commitment and a big decision – one that thousands of students postponed during the pandemic. Now that things are slowly returning to normal, what does the world of academia look like and what challenges are educators currently facing?

The last year and a half have been difficult for all of us, but perhaps most difficult for young people who were already at a transition point in their lives. The decision to go to college is a major one even in a normal year, and one that should not be made lightly. Throwing a global pandemic into the mix complicated the situation for thousands of students, many of whom put their college plans on hold.

Now that the pandemic is slowly getting under control, experts and educators alike wonder whether we’ll see a return to normalcy in the world of academia. Thousands of students who chose to take a gap year may or may not return and, even if they did, the college experience may not be what it once was.

In this article, we’ll explore the subject of declining enrollment in the aftermath of the pandemic along with a worsening problem – the gender gap.

Community College Enrollment Pre-Pandemic

While the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic was discovered in 2019, its global impact wasn’t truly felt until 2020. To understand the impact of the pandemic on the nation’s education system, we need to first take a look at enrollment data prior to the pandemic.

According to data from the Provisional National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), roughly 8.2 million undergraduates were enrolled in two-year public colleges for the 2018-19 school year. In the fall of 2019, 5.5 million students were enrolled –

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Community Colleges Are More Important than Ever

Community Colleges Are More Important than Ever
This piece highlights the crucial role of community colleges in addressing economic challenges, providing affordable education, and supporting workforce development. It emphasizes their importance in vocational training and as gateways to higher education, especially in the context of post-pandemic recovery.

In certain circles, community colleges are looked down upon. Some believe a community college degree is less valuable than one earned at a traditional four-year college or university. Many believe, however, that community colleges are the “cornerstone of American higher education.” As the country works to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, they may be more important now than ever.

Community colleges enroll nearly half of all college students and provide educational opportunities some students would otherwise not be able to access. They play a role in workforce development, local economic development, and vocational training.

The coronavirus pandemic that has stretched into the summer of 2020 has changed the face of the American education system at all levels. As we look ahead to the 2020-21 school year, thousands of students find themselves wondering what their postsecondary education is going to look like. In these times of change, community colleges are becoming more critical than ever before.

The Role of Community Colleges

The significance of community college is right there in the name – community. Steven Mintz of Inside Higher Ed suggests, “community colleges have a critical role to play in addressing the country’s greatest challenges: stagnant family incomes, disparities in income and wealth, and political polarization.” These institutions play a significant role in their communities and in the more outstanding educational system.

These are some of the most critical roles community colleges play:

  • Workforce development
  • Local and regional economic development
  • Technical and vocational training
  • Human capital formation
  • Low-cost gateway to
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What Does the Future of Community College Look Like Post COVID-19?

What Does the Future of Community College Look Like Post COVID-19?
This article examines the potential future of community colleges after the COVID-19 pandemic, discussing impacts on enrollment, budget cuts, and the shift to online education. It explores how community colleges are adapting to challenges and opportunities in the post-pandemic landscape.

COVID-19 has financially impacted colleges and universities across the nation in numerous ways. From forced housing refunds to declining enrollment and loss of revenue, many community colleges wonder what the 2020/21 semester will look like – if they have one.

In this article, we’ll explore the financial impact of COVID-19 on community colleges and what they are doing to make up for lost funds. We’ll also touch on predictions for enrollment in the 2020/21 school year and examine the data we’ve already collected regarding the impact of the pandemic on community colleges as well as their faculty and students.

How Have Budget Cuts Affected Community Colleges?

Though the novel coronavirus had already taken hold in numerous countries by then, the World Health Organization (WHO) didn’t announce COVID-19 as a global health crisis until March 11, 2020. Within weeks, thousands of businesses closed their doors, and millions of college students were sent home.

Schools nationwide scrambling to take their programs online were met with the additional challenge of unequal access to resources among their students. For thousands of students, the college experience was significantly altered, and not everyone took it in stride. Students sued several colleges for tuition refunds, and many colleges were forced to provide housing refunds, often over $1,500 per student.

Now that most colleges and universities have officially completed their 2019/20 school year, colleges are left wondering what the next will bring. Many schools find themselves facing budget shortfalls that will undoubtedly impact

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The Impact of Coronavirus on College Tuition

The Impact of Coronavirus on College Tuition
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the 2019-20 school year for over 14 million college students. Read on to learn the impact of COVID-19 on current students and how colleges around the country are reacting.

After twelve or more years of traditional education, high school seniors look forward to enjoying the “college experience.” Living on campus, freedom to choose classes, and taking advantage of a wide range of extracurricular activities is what makes college such an exciting time in life. Many students choose their school as much for the program as for the on-campus experience.

Since March 7th when The University of Washington became the first large U.S. university to close due to coronavirus, many others have followed suit. According to CNBC, over 1,100 colleges and universities in the United States have closed their campuses, impacting an estimated 14 million students.

In this time of uncertainty, current college students are forced to wonder how these changes will impact the remainder of their college career and, for many, their graduation and entry into the workforce. For prospective students and parents, it raises questions about what a college education will look like in the fall of 2020 and how much it will cost.

In this article, we’ll explore the ways the coronavirus pandemic has affected United States higher education and how students, parents, and the schools themselves are reacting.

How COVID-19 Has Changed the College Experience

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, public schools in most states have been closed for weeks already and many have decided not to reopen this school year. College students were asked not to return from spring break or sent home if they were still on

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education

The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education
The article examines the widespread effects of COVID-19 on higher education, including the rapid shift to online learning, financial challenges faced by institutions, and the impact on students. It also discusses potential long-term changes in the education landscape.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), nearly 20 million students were expected to attend colleges and universities in the fall of 2019. Another 3.7 million students are expected to graduate from public or private high schools in the spring of 2020. As of mid-March, schools nationwide have closed indefinitely to slow the spread of coronavirus disease, nicknamed COVID-19.

The current health crisis in the United States has resulted in drastic changes. Most states have issued “stay at home” orders, closing all non-life-sustaining businesses, which includes schools. Though many schools have made an effort to post lesson plans online, and teachers are doing their best to stay connected with students, many are left wondering about the state of the American education system and the fate of the class of 2020.

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on graduating high school seniors, as well as how community colleges and traditional colleges and universities are responding to the times.

What Options Do High-School Seniors Have?

Senior year is a difficult one for many students. On top of finishing graduation requirements, many students spend the better part of the year completing college visits and submitting applications. Most applications are in by January or February, and students generally hope to hear back from schools sometime in April, with a national response date set for May 1.

As COVID-19 sweeps its way across the country, schools in most states have already closed their

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