10 Essential Money Management Tips for Community College Students
The cost of obtaining a college degree is high, especially at private universities. Students can save a great deal by choosing community college, but there are still other costs to consider. Read on to learn what costs to expect in community college and to learn some essential money management tips.

10 Essential Money Management Tips for Community College Students

It’s common knowledge that community college is more affordable than tuition at a private university, but that may not be universally true. The average cost of tuition at community college is $3,660 per year, a cost that is twice as high as it was 30 years ago. Even if community college is less costly than a traditional four-year college, it isn’t cheap, and there are other costs to consider.

In this article, we’ll determine whether community college is really the most affordable option and what costs other than tuition students should plan for. You’ll also receive some helpful tips for managing your money while attending community college.

The True Cost of a College Degree

Over the past few decades, a college degree has changed from a luxury that only the privileged were able to obtain into a necessity if you want to get anything more than a minimum wage-paying job. A strong work ethic is no longer enough to land a job or to keep it, and many fields have begun to require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions.

Statistics show that college graduates earn 66% more than those with only a high school diploma and, throughout a lifetime, earn about $1 billion more. It is essential to consider, however, at what cost this benefit comes. A college degree has never been more necessary if you want to succeed in the workforce, but it has

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The Top Issues Students Have with Community Colleges and How to Resolve Them

The Top Issues Students Have with Community Colleges and How to Resolve Them
You’ve heard the saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Unfortunately, many community college students find that their academic chain in school is full of weak links. Read on to learn the challenges that keep community college students from achieving success and what schools and students can do to resolve those issues.

Community college is often described as a low-cost alternative to traditional 4-year universities. Students have the opportunity to complete general education requirements or prerequisites at a lower cost, then transfer to the university or college of their choice. Many students also choose to stay and complete their degrees at community colleges.

Graduation is the ultimate goal of pursuing higher education after high school. Whether you attend community college or a traditional university or college, the end goal is to obtain your degree. Unfortunately, that’s not always what happens. Many community college students never end up transferring to another school and a significant number never finish their degrees at all.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common issues community college students have with their schools. We’ll talk about the issues that keep students from graduating and review some of the ways community colleges can improve. You’ll also receive some advice for choosing the right school for you to ensure that you graduate on time.

This video discusses the challenges facing community colleges.

What Keeps Community College Students from Graduating?

College is not supposed to be easy, but a newly released survey reveals that there are challenges outside of difficult classwork that prevent students from graduating. Researchers at North Carolina State University created the Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges survey which was completed by nearly 6,000 two-year college students from 10

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Community Colleges Are Changing Strategies to Increase Enrollment

Community Colleges Are Changing Strategies to Increase Enrollment
Community college enrollment is in decline, but some schools are refusing to roll over. Read on to learn the factors impacting enrollment rates and what some schools are doing to stay afloat.

Though some still think that community colleges are somehow less legitimate than traditional colleges and universities, the fact remains that community colleges provide opportunities for students who might not otherwise find the right fit. With reduced tuition costs and flexible class schedules, community college is ideally suited to non-traditional students, including single parents, slightly older adults, and students for whom English is a second language.

Though community colleges fill an essential niche in the American hierarchy of education, statistics show that enrollment numbers are falling at an alarming rate. Between 2016 and 2017 alone, enrollment dropped by nearly 2% nationwide. Furthermore, a survey of college and university admissions directors completed by Inside Higher Ed revealed that 84% of community colleges have declined enrollment over the past two years.

Community colleges are forced to adapt to declining enrollments and new political challenges. Read on to learn how community colleges are changing strategies to boost enrollment.

Why Is Enrollment in Decline?

In 2018, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center surveyed community college enrollment to evaluate recent declines. The survey revealed a decline of 1.8%, or 275,000 students, compared to the previous spring. This marks the seventh straight year that community college enrollment has declined in the United States.

According to the survey, enrollment was down in 34 states. Six of the ten largest states on that list were located in the Northeast or Midwestern United States. After looking at these declining student populations, the center

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Advice and Essential Resources for LGBTQ Community College Students

Advice and Essential Resources for LGBTQ Community College Students
In a time of change, the LGBTQ community is receiving more support than ever and the world is changing with each passing year. As a young adult member of the LGBTQ community, you have unique opportunities to take advantage of when preparing to enter college if you choose to. Keep reading to learn what you can expect to see during your college search and how best to prepare for your freshman year.

Leaving home for the first time is a scary experience for many high school graduates, but for LGBTQ students, that fear has the potential to take on a different quality. According to a study conducted by Campus Pride, faculty members and students in the LGBTQ community are significantly more likely to experience harassment than their heterosexual peers. They are also more likely to feel uncomfortable in their environment on campus.

Though times are certainly changing, there will always be bigotry and discrimination. As an LGBTQ student, you should be aware of your rights and take steps to protect them as well as yourself. Read on to see some expert advice and to receive essential resources for LGBTQ students preparing to enter the college community.

The Top Colleges for LGBTQ Students

Picking a college is a major decision that can impact the rest of your life. Between choosing a major and finding the right school to suit your personality, the choice is tough but it gets tougher when you belong to a sexual minority. Unfortunately, colleges and universities around the country are at odds when it comes to protecting and ensuring equal rights and safety for LGBTQ students.

Though many academic institutions are taking great strides forward, it is still important to do your research, not only about the college and its policies but the culture of the surrounding area. Some colleges are even offering scholarships to LGBTQ students.

Here are 10 of the nation’s top schools for LGBTQ

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How to Pay for Community College as a Single Parent

How to Pay for Community College as a Single Parent
Being a single parent is difficult (and expensive) but it shouldn't stop you from furthering your education. Read on to learn how to pay for community college as a single parent.

How to Pay for Community College as a Single Parent

Life as a single parent is challenging enough without the added burden of going to school. If you’re already shouldering a load of parenthood by yourself, you’re probably hesitant to add more to your plate. Furthering your education, however, could provide opportunities both for yourself and for your children that could change your lives for the better.

Getting a degree can open doors for you, but it does come with its challenges, and many of those challenges are financial. Raising a child is expensive, and so is going to school! Student loans are available for single parents, but they may not be the best option.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of community college, particularly for single parents, and we’ll provide some tips for making it more affordable.

The Benefits of Community College for Single Parents

Whether you’re starting college for the first time or continuing your education, community college provides many unique benefits over traditional 4-year schools, especially for single parents.

The way community colleges are structured is much more flexible than the typical college or university. Many community colleges offer both in-class and online courses with tuition prices that are much lower than traditional schools. Classes are offered both during the day and in the evening, making it easier for busy single parents to find a class schedule that fits their lifestyle. Plus, this flexibility enables single parents to keep working while attending college.

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