Nearly six million students are enrolled in community college each year, many with the intent of eventually transferring to a traditional four-year university. That transfer is not without challenges, however, as many schools don’t accept all community college credits, and transfer acceptance rates remain relatively low. Those who do make the transfer tend to succeed. So, why do colleges and universities overlook community college students, and why do more students not transfer?
In this article, we’ll look at the statistics for how many community college students move on to four-year colleges and universities. We’ll also explore the data on how well they perform and provide some tips for community college students considering transferring.
How Many Community College Students Transfer?
As college tuition costs continue to rise and more families struggle to make ends meet, the number of students who choose to start their college education at community college continues to grow. Community college appeals to many because the tuition is typically more affordable, and other costs can be kept low by living at home versus on campus. Community colleges also offer flexible scheduling for non-traditional students, including single parents and adults returning to school.
According to an article published by the National Student Clearinghouse, about 80% of entering community college students want to earn a bachelor’s degree or higher, making them likely to transfer to a four-year college at some point. However, only 29% of community college students who started classes in the