The Impact of Coronavirus on College Tuition
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the 2019-20 school year for over 14 million college students. Read on to learn the impact of COVID-19 on current students and how colleges around the country are reacting.

After twelve or more years of traditional education, high school seniors look forward to enjoying the “college experience.” Living on campus, freedom to choose classes, and taking advantage of a wide range of extracurricular activities is what makes college such an exciting time in life. Many students choose their school as much for the program as for the on-campus experience.

Since March 7th when The University of Washington became the first large U.S. university to close due to coronavirus, many others have followed suit. According to CNBC, over 1,100 colleges and universities in the United States have closed their campuses, impacting an estimated 14 million students.

In this time of uncertainty, current college students are forced to wonder how these changes will impact the remainder of their college career and, for many, their graduation and entry into the workforce. For prospective students and parents, it raises questions about what a college education will look like in the fall of 2020 and how much it will cost.

In this article, we’ll explore the ways the coronavirus pandemic has affected United States higher education and how students, parents, and the schools themselves are reacting.

How COVID-19 Has Changed the College Experience

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, public schools in most states have been closed for weeks already and many have decided not to reopen this school year. College students were asked not to return from spring break or sent home if they were still on

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Should Graduating Seniors Consider a Gap Year?

Should Graduating Seniors Consider a Gap Year?
The current state of the United States education system is up in the air as COVID-19 spreads across the nation. Graduating high school seniors may find it necessary to change their plans for the fall of 2020 and many are considering a gap year.

Should Graduating Seniors Consider a Gap Year?

The spread of coronavirus disease (nicknamed COVID-19) has thrown a wrench into the 2019-2020 school year for many students. As schools scramble to implement online leThe Gap Year Associationarning programs amid statewide school closures, graduating high school seniors wonder whether their undergrad plans will be affected.

According to a national survey conducted by the Art & Science Group, a higher-education consulting firm, one out of six high school seniors surveyed are rethinking their decision to enroll full-time in a bachelor’s degree program in the fall. Many plan to enroll part-time in a program, but an equal number are considering an alternative plan: taking a gap year.

In this article, we’ll explore the subject of the gap year to learn what it is and what benefits taking a gap year can provide to students. We’ll also talk about helpful tips for planning a gap year and steps to take when applying to college after a gap year.

What is a Gap Year?

The year-long break between high school graduation and the start of post-secondary education (or full-time employment) is known as the “gap year” and has become increasingly popular. The current health crisis sweeping the nation has already impacted the U.S. education system, and we may see an increase in graduating seniors taking gap years as an alternative to post-secondary education.

The concept of the gap year has been around since the 1980s, but one of the most

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education

The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education
The article examines the widespread effects of COVID-19 on higher education, including the rapid shift to online learning, financial challenges faced by institutions, and the impact on students. It also discusses potential long-term changes in the education landscape.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), nearly 20 million students were expected to attend colleges and universities in the fall of 2019. Another 3.7 million students are expected to graduate from public or private high schools in the spring of 2020. As of mid-March, schools nationwide have closed indefinitely to slow the spread of coronavirus disease, nicknamed COVID-19.

The current health crisis in the United States has resulted in drastic changes. Most states have issued “stay at home” orders, closing all non-life-sustaining businesses, which includes schools. Though many schools have made an effort to post lesson plans online, and teachers are doing their best to stay connected with students, many are left wondering about the state of the American education system and the fate of the class of 2020.

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on graduating high school seniors, as well as how community colleges and traditional colleges and universities are responding to the times.

What Options Do High-School Seniors Have?

Senior year is a difficult one for many students. On top of finishing graduation requirements, many students spend the better part of the year completing college visits and submitting applications. Most applications are in by January or February, and students generally hope to hear back from schools sometime in April, with a national response date set for May 1.

As COVID-19 sweeps its way across the country, schools in most states have already closed their

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A Nontraditional Student’s Guide to Community College

A Nontraditional Student’s Guide to Community College
Going to college is hard work but it’s even more challenging for nontraditional students who are working or raising a family at the same time. If you’re considering community college to improve your life or further your career, here’s everything you need to know.

In the movies, the typical college classroom is full of young, bright-eyed students who have just made the move from high school. They’re excited about being on their own for the first time and ready to take on the world. In reality, every college classroom looks different – especially community college classrooms. Community college students come from all walks of life, including those who went to work right out of high school and those working full-time jobs or raising a family.

Community college is where many nontraditional students go to obtain an education. The flexibility and affordability of community college compared to traditional four-year schools is a major draw, but there are still plenty of challenges to overcome. Read on to learn everything you need to know about succeeding in community college as a nontraditional student.

What is a Nontraditional Student?

When you think of the average college student, you probably picture someone 18 to 22 years old balancing their time between classes, the dorm room, and the student center.

Picture this instead: a 38-year-old single mother who works days at a restaurant, attending classes at night and on her days off. Or a military veteran attending classes online hoping to start a new career after completing his service. The truth is that 38% of undergrads are older than 25. Over 25% are parents, and 58% are working while attending classes.

Students like these are considered “nontraditional,” but what exactly does that mean? Nontraditional students

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What is an Articulation Agreement and Why Should You Care?

What is an Articulation Agreement and Why Should You Care?
Many students enter community college with the intent of transferring to a four-year college or university. Unfortunately, the path can be fraught with challenges. Articulation agreements between schools help students navigate the pitfalls to ensure an easier, more successful transition.

What is an Articulation Agreement and Why Should You Care?

If you were to ask any admissions counselor or community college administrator what an articulation agreement is, they wouldn’t hesitate to tell you. However, ask any student on a community college campus, and you might not get the same response. Articulation agreements exist between many colleges, yet the majority of community college students have no idea what they are.

An articulation agreement is designed to create a seamless transfer experience for students moving from community college to four-year institutions. Not every community college has them, but most do, and they are an invaluable resource for transfer students. Read on to learn more about an articulation agreement and how it can benefit you as a community college student.

This video explains articulation agreements.

The Trouble with Transferring

According to the Community College Research Center, roughly 40% of undergraduates in the United States start their higher education at community colleges. Of those, 80% intend to earn at least a bachelor’s degree, and about 20% end up transferring to a four-year college or university.

In the eyes of an incoming community college student, the future is bright, and community college is a stepping stone on the path to a four-year school. Unfortunately, that path is not as easy to navigate as one would hope. Between the challenges of completing prerequisites and paying for tuition, many

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