Providing students with fun and beneficial group and personal experiences, summer camps can be a great opportunity for kids to interact with others while learning more about themselves and their world. As the American Camp Association supports, “camp provides children with a community of caring adults, who nurture experiential education that results in self-respect and appreciation for human value,” while the kids and campers can benefit from experiences that foster “self-identity, self-worth, self-esteem, leadership, and self-respect.”
While there are a variety of camps and summer venues across the country, parents can take advantage of local and affordable summer camps offered at nearby community colleges. While some high school students already enjoy dual enrollment in public school and community colleges, now even elementary-aged students can learn on these campuses.
The Benefits of Summer Camps
As the American Camp Association (ACA) further reveals, both parents and children can benefit from camping venues, as “parents have reported that when their children return home from camp they are more caring, understand the importance of giving, are more equipped to stand up for what they know is right, and are willing to be more responsible. These are the qualities that will help build a successful nation and a civil society.”
Added to this, ACA also asserts that children are able to thrive, and are at less of a risk, when they are engaged in a “camp where they have a sense of community, develop intergenerational relationships, and learn through