Could being married help you earn better grades in college? Interestingly, studies have found that students who are married generally report higher grades and grade point averages.
According to the Research in Higher Education Journal, a study of college students “confirms earlier work regarding the positive influence of marriage on the scholastic achievement of community college students.” The study also found that married students tended to excel most significantly in programs such as Business Administration, Executive Secretarial, and Nursing Education.
While the causation relationship between marriage and good grades still remains unclear, community colleges are not wasting any time in helping their students benefit from the positive correlation! Many college campuses offer marital workshops and classes that help improve relationships, while other courses delve into the sociological underpinnings of marriage in our society.
Community Colleges Workshops that Foster Stronger Marriages
Through workshops and lectures, many community colleges specifically cater to students who are currently or planning to be married. For example, at Arapahoe Community College in Littleton, Colorado, couples can take a variety of non-credit workshops, such as “Before You Say ‘I do’ Marriage Education for Engaged Couples, "Four Hours to a Happier Relationship," "Is Anyone Listening to Me? Solving Communication Problems in Relationships,” and “Preparing for Your Empty Nest Marriage: Now That the Kids are Leaving.” Through these workshops, students learn about how to strengthen their relationships – and potentially even their grades in school!
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