Courses in College

Be inspired by the gamut of community college courses, from the arts to technical training. This section will cover everything from remedial classes to continuing education. Community colleges offer courses for youth and teens, individuals looking for a new hobby or skill, or those behind bars looking for a second chance.

View the most popular articles in Courses in College:

How Community Colleges are Inspiring Young Girls to Soar to Success

How Community Colleges are Inspiring Young Girls to Soar to Success
Learn about how community colleges are introducing programs that inspire young girls to achieve more academically, socially, and emotionally.

Understanding the learning differences between genders, community colleges are actively encouraging young women's full mental and emotional development. Many community colleges are creating new programs solely dedicated to providing young female students with leadership and role model opportunities.

Striving to boost young girls’ feelings of self-worth, confidence, and determination, community college programs for young females are available at local campuses across the country.

Community College Youth Outreach Programs

Many community colleges have created youth programs that are co-ed. For example, Corning Community College, located in Corning, New York, provides younger kids of any gender with an opportunity to celebrate their heritage with a local “Cook Kids” campus group. With this group, children can engage in various events, such as the “Cook Kids Young Spirit Dancers” venue, wherein participating children will wear an authentic Native American outfit from their family’s ancestry or tribal affiliation. Members of this particular youth group range in age from 3 to 24, and therefore, individuals of various backgrounds and maturity levels can interact and learn from one another. With such events, children can learn more about their history, grow in their identity, and boost their confidence and social relationships.

While these co-ed programs are certainly effective and positive, many campus leaders have realized that boys and girls may occasionally need separate opportunities to encounter success. Specifically, to provide girls with unique and individualized opportunities, an array of campuses have set up workshops, classes, and social groups to teach young females about the

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How to Earn Your GED and College Degree Simultaneously

How to Earn Your GED and College Degree Simultaneously
This comprehensive guide explores how students can earn their GED and college degree simultaneously through community college programs. It discusses the economic benefits, admission requirements, and steps to enroll in such programs, providing valuable information for those seeking to advance their education and career prospects.

How to Earn Your GED and College Degree Simultaneously

  • For many Americans, withdrawing from high school before graduation leads to several closed doors.
  • Without a high school degree, most Americans have traditionally been unable to pursue higher education and obtain specific jobs.
  • The bottom line is that a high school diploma or equivalency and some college coursework are necessary to make a decent living.
  • Fortunately, community colleges across the country are striving to provide more programs to cater to the needs of non-high school graduates.

Upon earning one’s GED, students can enroll in community college to pursue a variety of career and college degree opportunities. Sometimes, a GED and a college degree can be sought simultaneously.

Canva generated this picture of a community college student.

The Short Path Without College

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, individuals who have not earned their high school degree stand to earn far less than individuals who have earned their high school diploma, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or other advanced degrees or training.

  • In fact, statistics show that high school graduates make, on average, over $7,000 more per year than workers who did not complete high school. Additionally, workers with an associate’s degree make about $7,000 more annually than those with a high school diploma.
  • With reduced wages, pay, and benefits, individuals who do not graduate from high school are at a considerable economic and
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Blast Off for Space Studies in Community College!

Blast Off for Space Studies in Community College!
Learn about the space studies programs offered through community colleges that can prepare you for an engaging career with NASA or private space companies.

For students who are looking up to the skies and pondering potential career pathways, there are an array of space study programs at community colleges across the country!

Students who choose to pursue studies in space can find jobs with NASA or companies that focus on satellites and technologies that tie into this expansive field. In fact, even cellular and other satellite-based companies are seeking new employees to assist with planning and developing space-based products and services.

To train students for these and many other related careers, community colleges offer space-related courses of study, including pathways that incorporate engineering, physics, and math. Also, to improve current programs, many community colleges are collaborating with NASA to create curricula and courses to prepare students for futures in space studies. Today, community colleges are establishing both new and revised programs to address the interests of science and exploratory students.

In recent years, the field of space exploration has captured the imagination of many, and the demand for professionals in the space industry continues to grow. Local community colleges have recognized this trend and are now offering a range of educational opportunities for individuals aspiring to work in this exciting field. In this article, we will explore the various ways you can prepare for a career in space at your local community college.

1. Space Science and Astronomy Courses

Community colleges often offer introductory courses in space science and astronomy. These courses can provide you with a solid foundation in

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Careers: Maritime Careers

Careers: Maritime Careers
Explore the captivating world of seamanship jobs and maritime careers. From becoming a deck officer and mastering navigation skills to overseeing ship operations, discover the rewarding and adventurous opportunities available in the marine industry. Learn about the essential role of ship crews and explore the path to a successful career at sea through comprehensive maritime training.

With a versatile curriculum that adapts to changing economic forces, community colleges offer engaging and interesting academic pathways. If the sea has always called to you, consider pursuing a degree in sailing and seamanship. Students interested in learning to sail and operate a boat for entertainment, or students interested in professionally pursuing sailing as a career pathway, can take advantage of an array of opportunities at community colleges across the country.

Sailing Towards a Degree in Orange Coast Community College

Students attending Orange Coast Community College (OCC) in Newport Beach, California, can dive into the adventures of the open sea in the unique School of Sailing and Seamanship program. At OCC, students can pursue courses in sailing for entertainment and fun or to become prepared for career pathways and jobs. With classes ranging from youth sailing to adult certification, OCC tries to meet the needs and interests of a diverse student audience. Elective courses in sailing include classes such as Basic Cruising, Yacht Keeping and Maintenance, Introduction to Sailing, Introduction to Keel Boats, and many others.

For individuals interested in a professional sailing pathway, OCC offers a variety of degree and certification programs. Specifically, OCC students can enroll in the Professional Mariner Program, US Sailing Certification Program, and US Coast Guard Captain’s Licensing Program, alongside many other professional options.

Students enrolled in the Professional Mariner Program will engage in courses such as Boat Handling Basic Skills, Marine Safety Training, Navigation for Deckhands,

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Community College: Music Programs

Community College: Music Programs
Learn about the new and dynamic music programs available at community colleges that explore more than just music theory.

While a wide array of community colleges across the country offer traditional music programs in musical practice, theory, and study, many new community college programs are offering more unique and specialized musical education courses. Today, students can enroll in programs to study historically-informed instruments, or they can even enroll in courses that teach students how to become employed in the field of music management and production.

Edmonds Community College offers a thorough and diverse array of music-oriented courses. Together, the Music Department of ECC established clear instruction goals, which include: “Giving students a solid foundation all facets of music, providing a range of performance and creative opportunities, offering diverse music theory and digital music courses, creating a dynamic, rich learning environment for students to pursue their passion for music and performing.”

To guide students towards achieving and engaging in these goals, ECC provides a variety of performance opportunities and events. Most notably, ECC fosters positive programs for musical enrichment through organizations such as the symphonic choir, the jazz band and choir, and the jazz workshop. These groups, along with many others, serve to enhance student learning and performance experiences.

Adding to these support systems, ECC’s Music Department also provides students with specialized acoustic fixtures in their music classrooms, various practice pianos and state of the art recording gear, in addition to ECC’s state of the art recording studio with a digital interface that students can interact with through hands-on opportunities.

Virginia Highlands Community College


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Courses in College

60% of community college students need remedial courses. This section covers the classes and new developments to help students who need remedial coursework. Learn why the gap exists, how schools are combatting it and what you can do to avoid remedial classes. Get tips on mastering college math, learn what you can do to prevent repeating a class and hear what the experts have to say about remedial class placement.
Community college is not just for adults. Learn about all the programs available to children and teens too. From aiding high school dropouts to ramped up summer school programs, community colleges work hard to encourage the pursuit of higher education to students of all ages.
Online classes give you the flexibility to learn off-campus, often at times most convenient for your schedule. Identify 10 degrees you can earn online, weigh the pros and cons of online education and find out how you can take online classes for free.
Local business are taking advantage of special training programs at community colleges. From OSHA training to a collaboration with Goldman Sachs, community colleges are training employees for small and large businesses across the country.
Community colleges offer a gamut of fun and interesting classes, and we give ideas that may strike inspiration for your elective choices. Learn homesteading skills, study paranormal investigating, or earn a scuba diving certificate all at a community college near you. This sections identifies some of the fun non-credit courses available at your local campus.
Community colleges are filled with continuing education opportunities. Whether you are looking for a resume booster, new skills to earn a promotion or want to earn your degree while incarcerated, community college may be a good choice for you.