Criminal justice is a broad field that encompasses a number of in-demand jobs. Whether you want to become a uniformed police officer, investigator or another professional in criminal justice, the job begins with the right training to land an entry position. Many community colleges are now offering a variety of criminal justice programs to help individuals launch their careers in this exciting, rewarding field.
What is Criminal Justice?
According to World Wide Learn, criminal justice is a "social science that attempts to identify and explain the patterns of criminal behavior and to analyze society's ability to control crime and delinquency." Criminal justice encompasses many fields of study, including psychology, law, and public administration. A degree in criminal justice prepares graduates for a variety of careers in law enforcement and crime prevention.
As the world's population continues to increase, there will be a steadily increasing demand for individuals to work in criminal justice. The Criminal Justice USA states, "As Americans grow to become more security and safety conscious, the demand for law enforcement units and corrections units will increase, especially in areas of high population density." Communities will always need law enforcement officials, and larger populations will exhibit a greater demand in this area.
Whether you are a high school graduate in search of a career path or a seasoned professional looking for a recession-proof industry, criminal justice might be the right choice for you.
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