Although they were once known primarily for their vocational programs and associate degrees, community colleges have expanded their programs to serve a wider audience. And while community colleges still do an outstanding job of fulfilling their original roles, community colleges have now become a center for scientific and engineering learning.
In fact, in recent years, according to the National Science Foundation (NSF), more students have turned to community colleges to prepare them for a career in science and engineering. Research from the NSF study reveals interesting reasons why students begin their careers at a community college.
Many scientists and engineers begin at community college
Community colleges are, without a doubt, great schools. They offer many different types of programs for a wide range of academic interests. Truthfully, it is no longer fair or even accurate (if it ever was) to think of them as an “easy” two-year school for those looking to earn an associate’s degree.
Today, according to the NSF, less than 30% of community college students are looking to simply earn an associate’s degree. This means that over 70% of the students attending community colleges are looking for more than just a two-year program. These statistics reveal that many people view community colleges as a viable option when beginning their educational careers.
In fact, according to the NSF, 44% of students who earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees