Career Training

A lucrative career can start right at community college. Consider the many smart career options that await after completing community college training programs. From horticulture to the music industry, culinary arts to aerospace, we cover the latest hiring practices, job requirements and trends in the job market.

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Careers: Nano-Technology

Careers: Nano-Technology
Learn about the lucrative career opportunities in nano-technology and how you can begin your training right at community college.

Some of the hottest jobs of the future may be in the nanotechnology industry. For community college students who dream big, the key to a bright future may be thinking small – very small.

The National Nanotechnology Initiative defines nanotechnology as “the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers where unique phenomena enable novel applications.” A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. According to the NNI, nanotechnology involves “imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter” at these tiny scales.

Students who earn associate’s degrees in nanotechnology are prepared to work in research, production, marketing, and business environments where knowledge of nanoscience is needed.

The Nanotechnology Job Market

Nanotechnicians work in various fields, including biomedicine, biotechnology, agriculture production, and environmental analysis. . The website for Minnesota State Community College and Technical College’s Nanotechnology program quotes Jack Uldrich and Deb Newberry, the authors of the book The Next Big Thing Is Small. According to these experts, “The market for nanotechnology in the United States was rapidly growing and projected to reach $1 trillion by 2010. Growth over this period is expected to produce between 800,000 and two million new technical jobs.”

The National Nanotechnology Initiative reports that in the United States, federal funding for nanotechnology has increased “from approximately $464 million in 2001 to nearly $1.5 billion for the 2009 fiscal year.”

This video explains what nanotechnology is.

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Careers: Sustainable Energy Technician

Careers: Sustainable Energy Technician
With the change in energy production trends, sustainable energy technology careers are in high demand, and you can start your training for a highly-demanded career right at your local community college.

In today’s difficult job market, community college students looking to position themselves for career security and success have an exciting new set of options to consider: programs leading to associate’s degrees or certificates in sustainable energy technologies.

A Growing Industry

Just a few years ago, sustainable energy was more of a dream than a reality. Today, sustainable energy is emerging as an industry in its own right – one that demands trained, competent workers. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (President Obama’s economic stimulus package) provides money for “solar farms, wind turbines, electrical grid updates, mass transit, and the weatherizing and retrofitting of buildings,” according to Business Week. By the estimates of some environmental groups, this spending is expected to produce 1 million to 1.5 million new jobs.

Reporting on the then-emerging trend in 2008, the New York Times articulated that national starting salaries for sustainable energy workers range from $35,000 to $45,000 for graduates of two-year degree programs.

Fortunately for college students who are attracted to the growth potential and solid starting salaries in this industry, community colleges are beginning to offer more programs in two-year degrees or certificates for prospective sustainable energy industry workers.

This video reports on Renewable Energy Program at Hutchison Community College.

Sustainable Energy Degree and Certificate Programs

Across the country, community colleges are offering niche programs that can jumpstart your career in

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Careers: Wind Energy Technology

Careers: Wind Energy Technology
If you are looking for a recession-proof career with excellent job prospects, consider enrolling in a wind energy program at your local community college.

If you are considering a future career or a professional change, let the winds of change take you into a new industry. For community college students, the American wind energy industry is growing rapidly. Consider the following indicators:

  • The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) reports that by the end of 2008, approximately 80,000 people in the United States were employed in the wind industry, up from 50,000 at the end of 2007.
  • Wind turbine installations in 2008 were up 50% from the previous year, according to the AWEA report.
  • By the end of 2008, the United States had pulled ahead of Germany to lead the world in terms of wind energy production and cumulative wind power generating capacity.
  • The 2009 federal stimulus is providing federal funding to colleges and universities in various states to support the development of wind turbine technology.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy has developed a Wind and Hydropower Technologies Committee, which is working to realize a goal of having 20% of the energy in the United States produced by wind by the year 2030.

The explosion of the wind energy industry comes at the perfect time for Americans who are out of work and looking to enroll in a community college program that can train them for a new career.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that wind turbine technicians “build or service individual turbines, help with the construction of entire wind farms, or work indoors at

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Careers: Baker

Careers: Baker
If you have a passion for baking, consider enrolling in a community college baking and pastry arts program. Learn about the growing field, salary potential, and the delicious courses offered right at your local community college.

If the combination of flour, sugar, and eggs delight you, then it may be time to consider a career in baking! Today’s community colleges offer specialized baking and pastry arts programs that are perfect for budding culinary artists. Whether you want to start your own bakery or work as the head pastry chef for a five-star restaurant, you can knead your start right at your local community college.

A Career in Baking and Pastry Arts

A Growing Field

Some Americans looking to find new job prospects in these challenging economic times are finding that an age-old skill – preparing delicious food for others to eat – may be the answer to their modern-day job search. An increasing number of community colleges offer training programs that are specially designed for students who would like to embark upon lucrative careers as bakers and pastry chefs. Fortunately for those who love to create delicious baked goods, the job market for professional bakers and pastry chefs appears to be thriving. With proper training and certification, an amateur baker can turn himself or herself into a well-paid professional culinary artist.

What Bakers and Pastry Chefs Do

A pastry chef develops recipes and prepares desserts, which may include cakes, pies, cookies, breads, rolls, sauces, glazes, custards, pastries, and candies. Pastry chefs often work for upscale restaurants, hotels, private clubs, and catering companies. They may also work in retail or wholesale bakeries. The National Restaurant Association reports that in a

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Careers: Event Planning

Careers: Event Planning
Learn about how you can turn your passion for parties into a career through event planning courses at your local community college.

Taking event planning courses at a community college can be highly effective in developing the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field. These courses provide a comprehensive foundation in event management, covering various aspects such as event design, budgeting, marketing, logistics, and risk management. With experienced instructors and practical coursework, students gain valuable insights into the intricacies of organizing successful events. Additionally, community college programs often offer opportunities for hands-on experience through internships or collaborations with local organizations. These practical experiences allow students to apply their learning in real-world settings, enhancing their understanding of event planning processes and fostering important networking connections. Overall, the combination of theoretical learning, practical training, and industry exposure makes event planning courses at community college a highly effective pathway for individuals aspiring to thrive in this dynamic profession.

Are you known to be the life of the party? Do you find yourself drawn to the glitz and glamour of formal events and festivities? If so, harness this intrinsic quality by pursuing a career in event planning – starting right at your local community college!

To cater to society’s needs to celebrate, certain community colleges around the country have expanded their curriculum to include event planning courses. Through wedding planning, etiquette, and management courses, you can learn the necessary skills for a successful career in event planning.

More than Decor and Invitations: Event Planning Courses

While most community colleges typically do not issue event planning degrees, many applicable courses are

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Career Training

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