Career Training

A lucrative career can start right at community college. Consider the many smart career options that await after completing community college training programs. From horticulture to the music industry, culinary arts to aerospace, we cover the latest hiring practices, job requirements and trends in the job market.

View the most popular articles in Career Training:

Healthcare Careers: Veterinarian

Healthcare Careers: Veterinarian
Discover the fulfilling path of becoming a veterinarian through an enriching and affordable educational route at your local community college. In this enlightening article, we delve into the advantages and opportunities offered by community colleges for aspiring veterinary professionals.

If you love working with creatures furry, scaly, and sometimes prickly, then community college can be an excellent starting point for your animal service career. In fact, according to College Grad, students interested in animal service have a wide variety of career options, including animal training, veterinary assistance, zoological services, kennel attending, breeding assistance, grooming services, and much more.

If animals are in your professional future, learn more about unique community college classes that can help prepare you for your career in animal services!

Animal Care Career Pathways

Animal Care and Management Technology

For students interested in learning the necessary skills and experiences to work in the animal care industry, Durham Technical Community College (DTCC), located in Durham, North Carolina, provides diverse courses and opportunities for hands-on practice.

As DTCC explains, courses in the Animal Care and Management Technology program teach students about the basic sciences of animal work, while instructors also educate students on the legal and management skills that are essential for both animal and human interactions. Adding to this, “This course of study offers the student a wide variety of employment options. Opportunities exist with humane organizations, kennels, city and county animal control agencies, animal shelters, zoos, residency facilities, and veterinarians.”

In addition, to help students who are juggling challenging schedules, DTCC also offers cooperating courses at the nearby Alamance Community College Campus. With this option, students can enroll in select weekend courses at Alamance while also continuing

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Careers: Dance

Careers: Dance
Learn about how you can pursue a rewarding dance career by starting at your local community college. Whether you are a dancer or aspire to be a choreographer, your community college may be a fantastic starting point.

With beautiful choreography, artful costumes, enthralling music, and captivating performances, the art of dance can provide community college students with various career opportunities. Whether you are interested in learning about the techniques of production and choreography or hoping to hone your dancing skills, community colleges are an excellent venue of opportunity.

Careers in Dance

Due to the myriad of facets involved in a single dance performance, there are many types of jobs in the dance industry. Foremost, for students interested in pursuing professional dancing through their local community college courses, professional dancers are typically trained to perform within various genres. Popular dancing genres include folk, ethnic, tap, hip-hop, jazz, ballet, and regional.

Yet, since dancing can often be stressful to one’s body, many dancers cease their professional performances as they reach their early to mid-30s. Despite this relatively short performance window, experienced dancers can continue to work in this field by pursuing one of the many related performance positions.

For individuals with a background in dance, choreography is a popular long-term profession. As Career Overview explains, dancers are typically paired with a choreographer, who helps the dancers to create, perfect, and learn new forms of existing dances. Choreographers train dancers at rehearsals and during practice and are also commonly involved in dancing auditions.

Data from a 2002 study shows that the median income earned by choreographers is generally around $30,000, although the top-earning choreographers reported an annual salary of almost $60,000.

In addition to careers in professional

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Teacher Training: Autism Teaching Certification

Teacher Training: Autism Teaching Certification
Given the increasing number of diagnosed autistic children, the demand for autistic specialists grows as well. Learn about how you can specialize in autistic education by taking courses at your local community college.

According to the Autism Society of America (ASA), the number of diagnosed autistic children in the United States has been growing significantly in the last several decades.

In fact, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, their 2007 study confirmed that approximately 1 out of every 150 children will be diagnosed with autism. This rise in cases adds to the nearly 1.5 million Americans who are currently coping with the effects of autism spectrum disorder.

Due to the rising need for autism support, community colleges have created a variety of autism training programs to help students specialize in helping autistic children. As ASA supports, “The spotlight shown on autism as a result of the prevalence increase opens opportunities for the nation to consider how to serve these families facing a lifetime of support for their children.”

What is Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder is a highly complex developmental disability that typically influences how a child thinks, behaves, and interprets various interactions. Labeled as a “spectrum disorder,” autism has an incredibly vast range of symptoms and signals.

Typically, children with autism will begin to show signs of this disorder within the first three years of their lives. Since autism is not a short term condition, but a lifetime component of a child’s life and thinking process, there is no quick cure for this disorder.

Furthermore, since scientists are unsure as to what the exact cause of autism really is, experts assert that parents with autistic

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How to Go Organic at Community College

How to Go Organic at Community College
Learn about how community colleges across the nation are offering organic gardening classes, as well as opportunities to grow your own organic crops!

While organic foods are healthier than their pesticide-laden counterparts, organic options are typically far more expensive. To help students become healthier – while saving money – a rising number of community colleges are now offering organic gardening classes.

The Benefits of Organic Gardening

As The Daily Vidette reports, a rising number of consumers are embracing the many benefits of organic foods. Specifically, not only are organic foods grown without harmful chemicals, but these foods also contain up to 40 percent more antioxidants than conventionally grown crops. In addition, organic foods tend to have more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

This video describes the benefits of organic gardening.

Since conventional farming and gardening methods utilize fertilizers and chemicals to boost the yield of food growth, these vegetables and fruits are robbed of many of their natural healthy compounds. By avoiding these potentially less healthy foods, consumers adhering to an organic lifestyle can experience perks such as:

  • Decreased risk of various cancers
  • Decreased toxins in the body
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Decreased signs of body aches/headaches/ general pains
  • Additional health and wellness benefits

Community College Organic Programs

Although organic foods are certainly healthier than their conventional options, many individuals are frustrated with the higher cost of these products. Typically, organic foods are priced about 10 to 20 percent more than traditionally farmed produce.

To help ameliorate this burden, community colleges are now offering courses to teach students about

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Healthcare Careers: Geriatric Care, Hospice Support, & Physician Assistant

Healthcare Careers: Geriatric Care, Hospice Support, & Physician Assistant
Learn about three recession-proof healthcare careers that you can pursue right from your local community college.

If you’re worried about the economy and job market when considering your future career plans, don’t fear! There are a variety of career options that are expected to be steady amidst a dwindling economy.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and Kiplinger, the field with the greatest job security in tough economic times is the health care industry. As the country’s aging residents are fueling a need for greater health care services, experts anticipate a rising demand for care occupations. To pursue an economically “safe” pathway, choose from one of the three popular recession proof health care programs at your local community college: geriatric care, hospice support, and physician assistant programs.

Recession Proof Health Care Careers

Geriatric Care

As our steadily aging population maintains a rising life expectancy, students can be assured that a career in geriatrics will be not only be important, but also very stable. While a rising number of community colleges are creating programs to specifically train individuals for elderly care, most currently enrolled students can pursue a specialization in geriatrics as they complete their nursing certification program.

For example, students attending Nunez Community College (NCC), located in Chalmette, Louisiana, can enroll in courses that offer training, education, and hands on experience with elderly patients. As NCC states, students will learn about ethical and legal aspects of elderly care, and participants will also study the “Theories and concepts of aging, the physiologic and psychosocial changes and

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Career Training

Are you concerned about the environment? Do you want to help stem global warming and rainforest decimation? If so, a green career may be for you. Community colleges around the country are offering programs in sustainable energy, from solar panels to wind turbines. From biodiesel to energy storage, explore your green career options here.
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With renowned culinary programs, community colleges are a delicious place to begin your culinary arts career. From brewing beer to cake decorating, community colleges offer a wide variety of culinary degrees. Learn how to earn a college degree while drinking wine, identify 5-star culinary programs, and turn that baking hobby into a lucrative career.
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Community colleges offer a myriad of degree programs for students interested in creative careers. From glass blowing to fashion design, community college degrees are opening doors into many creative industries. Learn how you can prepare for a career in radio broadcasting, cosmetology or music at community college.
Indeed, technology careers, ranging from cyber-security to nano-technology, can all start from community college training. Get your feet wet with waterbotics, crack into cyber-security or dive into marine biology at your local community college.
Begin your career in public service at community college. Receive cutting-edge firefighting training, lean more about air force programs and learn how community colleges are training our armed forces. Regardless of the badge you carry, a honorable public service career can be jump started at community college.
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Small farms are an important part of creating a sustainable food supply. Your community college has the skilled teachers who can teach you 21st-century farming techniques.
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