Career Training

A lucrative career can start right at community college. Consider the many smart career options that await after completing community college training programs. From horticulture to the music industry, culinary arts to aerospace, we cover the latest hiring practices, job requirements and trends in the job market.

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Careers: Hospitality Industry

Careers: Hospitality Industry
Today's community college culinary and hospitality programs come with impressive training restaurants and hotels. Learn more about these five-star worthy training facilities and programs.

In the past, students who were interested in stellar culinary or hospitality programs would look to four-year universities to supply the necessary training to launch a successful career. However, community colleges have recognized the rise in popularity of these professions and have responded to the call with state-of-the-art facilities to rival any university.

If you are interested in a career in the hospitality industry, be inspired by what these top community colleges across the country have to offer.

Career Opportunities in the Hospitality Industry

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics separates the hospitality industry into three distinct categories:

  • Arts, entertainment, and recreation
  • Foodservice and drinking places
  • Hotels and other accommodations

The BLS predicts that job opportunities will be plentiful in both the foodservice and hotel category, due to the prevalence of young people within the industry and the high turnover rate. They also estimate that in 2008, there were approximately 546,000 privately owned food and drinking establishments across the United States and more than 64,000 places providing an assortment of accommodation options. In addition, many hotels offer their own restaurants, with chefs and support staff working directly within the hotel industry.

According to the BLS, jobs in the hotel industry are expected to grow at a rate of approximately 5% between 2008 and 2018. Foodservice jobs are expected to grow by 8% within the same time frame. While many individuals gain employment in these industries right out of high school, additional training provides a competitive

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Cosmetology Programs: Turning Beauty into Business

Cosmetology Programs: Turning Beauty into Business
Today’s cosmetology programs have a new face that includes business training. Learn about the future of cosmetology programs at community colleges.

Cosmetology has traditionally been the realm of trade schools that specialize in training and licensing hair stylists, nail technicians and skin care specialists. Many of the current trade schools are directly tied to a specific product brand, such as the Aveda chain of training institutes. However, the face of cosmetology is changing - and not just with new makeup skills. Today, cosmetology programs are expanding into community colleges that recognize a background in basic business principles, as well as cosmetology training, will help graduates move into and advance in the field of cosmetology.

Career Outlook for Cosmetology

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the general job outlook for the field of cosmetology is favorable, with employment expected to grow at a faster than average rate in this industry. The industry is also considered one of the few recession-proof areas in which to work today. Cosmetology may incorporate the following positions:

  • Barbers who are responsible for cutting and styling men's hair
  • Hairdressers and stylists who cut, shampoo and style hair
  • Manicurists and pedicurists that work specifically with polishing nails and applying extensions
  • Estheticians or skin care specialists that offer facials and full body treatments

Nearly all of these positions will require licensure by the state in which the individual will work, although specific requirements vary by location and position.

This video explains the pros and cons of being a cosmetologist.

Bringing Business to Cosmetology

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Careers: Armed Forces Boot Camp

Careers: Armed Forces Boot Camp
Boot camp may just be found at a community college near you. Learn about community college campuses that are taking an active part in training our country’s armed forces.

For many high school graduates interested in the armed services, enlisting right after graduation is the obvious option. However, the decreasing numbers in our armed services today have left many of the divisions ill-equipped for the training regimen of new recruits coming into the programs.

Community colleges across the country have stepped up to shoulder some of the additional load, offering courses specifically geared to military personnel in all armed services branches.

It is not unusual for community colleges to answer the occupational calls of our country today. Many colleges are now providing training in industries that need more employees, filling the needs of companies while giving individuals opportunities to step into recession-proof careers. However, the idea of providing military training is catching on, as community colleges offer the specialized training new recruits need to handle the responsibilities of the armed services today.

This video explains how you can do your military training and go to college.

Training in San Diego

San Diego City College is at the forefront of military training in an academic setting. According to a report at Sign on San Diego, this college received a very humble start in training military personnel in the 1970s, offering them math and English classes to supplement their military training. Today, the college offers a nationwide network that employs nearly 500 instructors, many of whom were former service members

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Careers: Composite Technician

Careers: Composite Technician
In spite of the recession, composite technicians are in high demand. Learn about this green career and how you can get the training for the available jobs in just weeks.

Despite the economic slowdown that has hit the country, and especially areas of the Midwest, there are jobs available for those with experience in the manufacturing industry. The secret to gainful employment may be as easy as honing your skills at a local community college with up-to-date programs in green manufacturing.

One of the brightest spots in the industry currently appears to be in composite technology, the manufacturing of composite materials for a variety of uses. Community colleges across the country are heeding the call for composite technicians by offering specialized programs to prepare students for entry into the industry.

What is a Composite Technician?

According to the website for the Miller Business Resource Center at Salt Lake Community College, a composite technician fabricates "lightweight, structurally strong parts and assembly for a variety of job applications."

Some of the industries using composite technicians today include aerospace, wind turbines, automobiles, and marine vessels. In addition to manufacturing, composite technicians may also work in quality control and testing, as well as research and development.

To work in the area of composite technology, many employers want applicants to have a minimum of an associate's degree in Materials Science. However, there are employers working directly with community colleges to create a training program specific to their industry that may be completed in just a few weeks' time. These programs may offer the opportunity to go to work with the employer directly after completion of the program, making

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Careers: Horticulture

Careers: Horticulture
If you have a green thumb and are looking for a growing career, consider the training opportunities available at community colleges.

The field of horticulture opens up a wealth of career opportunities, ranging from education and public service to landscape design and nursery management. Many community colleges have tuned into the value of offering a comprehensive horticulture program to students, providing plenty of educational options.

Grow interested in just a few examples of the many horticulture programs available across the country, as well as the career opportunities you can explore with a two-year degree or certification in this field.

This video describes the Horticulture Technology program at Alamance Community College.

Careers in Horticulture

According to the website for the American Society for Horticulture Science, there are many possible career paths to pursue a degree or training in the field of horticulture. Some of the possibilities include:

  • Education – Teach at the community college or university level.
  • Research – Conduct research through universities or companies involved in horticulture.
  • Entrepreneur – Own your own nursery, landscape design company or winery.
  • Parks – Become a part of botanical gardens, learning gardens or public parks and museums.
  • Public Service – Work in non-profit organizations or extension offices.
  • Golf and Sports – Design or manage golf courses, athletic fields or country clubs.
  • Production – Create an inventory for nurseries or landscape companies.
  • Landscape Design – Create beautiful outdoor spaces for commercial and residential properties.
  • Communication – Educate others about horticulture through mass media like radio and print publications.
  • Marketing – Promote nurseries, landscape companies or
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Career Training

Are you concerned about the environment? Do you want to help stem global warming and rainforest decimation? If so, a green career may be for you. Community colleges around the country are offering programs in sustainable energy, from solar panels to wind turbines. From biodiesel to energy storage, explore your green career options here.
Recession-proof and rewarding, healthcare careers can be started right from community college. Here you’ll identify the hottest trends in health care degrees, earn how to become an emergency technician and read why community college is a great place to start your addiction counseling degree.
Great teaching careers are started at community colleges. Keep up to date on the latest hiring standards, education requirements, and continuing education for teacher initiatives. Learn what role community colleges play in furthering the skills of future and current teachers and what degrees are the most lucrative.
With renowned culinary programs, community colleges are a delicious place to begin your culinary arts career. From brewing beer to cake decorating, community colleges offer a wide variety of culinary degrees. Learn how to earn a college degree while drinking wine, identify 5-star culinary programs, and turn that baking hobby into a lucrative career.
Jump start a career in business right at your community college. Explore the various business degree programs available, from marketing to human resources, these articles will provide you with valuable information on business career opportunities for community college graduates. Many famous entrepreneurs started their careers at community college, add your name to the list.
Community colleges offer a myriad of degree programs for students interested in creative careers. From glass blowing to fashion design, community college degrees are opening doors into many creative industries. Learn how you can prepare for a career in radio broadcasting, cosmetology or music at community college.
Indeed, technology careers, ranging from cyber-security to nano-technology, can all start from community college training. Get your feet wet with waterbotics, crack into cyber-security or dive into marine biology at your local community college.
Begin your career in public service at community college. Receive cutting-edge firefighting training, lean more about air force programs and learn how community colleges are training our armed forces. Regardless of the badge you carry, a honorable public service career can be jump started at community college.
– From welding technology to automobile manufacturing community colleges are training students for lucrative manufacturing careers. Get the scoop on middle skills, labor shortages and the best degrees for manufacturing careers.
There are lots of lucrative careers for community college graduates. Here we’ll cover the top career choices for two-year degree holders, six-figure jobs you can land with an associate’s degree, and how community college can take your career to the next level.
Everything you need to know about the earnings potential of a community college degree. From fast track training to careers suited for introverts, we’ll cover a variety of career related topics. Learn more about a recession proof careers, casino dealing certification and theology programs at community college.
Everything you need to know about the earnings potential of a community college degree. From fast track training to careers suited for introverts, we’ll cover a variety of career related topics. Learn more about a recession proof careers, casino dealing certification and theology programs at community college.
Everything you need to know about the earnings potential of a community college degree. From fast track training to careers suited for introverts, we’ll cover a variety of career related topics. Learn more about a recession proof careers, casino dealing certification and theology programs at community college.
Small farms are an important part of creating a sustainable food supply. Your community college has the skilled teachers who can teach you 21st-century farming techniques.
Careers in the hospitality industry: catering, restaurant, wedding planning, tourism, hospitality & event management