Solar energy may still make up a relatively small percentage of the energy used in this country, but federal, state, and local governments are offering significant incentives to promote the expansion of this industry. Today, solar photovoltaic installation has become a rapidly growing field, but the lack of training has made it difficult for some companies to find qualified professionals to handle the workload. Some community colleges around the company are now answering the call, providing solar technician training to prepare students for rewarding jobs in this field.
What is a Photovoltaic Installer?
According to an article on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, the American Solar Energy Society estimates that there were about 7,600 jobs in the solar energy industry in 2006. The majority of this number was photovoltaic installers, professionals who place solar panels on roofs to allow homeowners to capitalize on the sun's energy to heat and cool their homes.
There are many different types of solar panels today to accommodate for a wide range of shapes and sizes of buildings. Photovoltaic installers determine the best panel for the individual building and then install the panel and the additional components to get solar energy up and running for that structure.
Qualifications for photovoltaic installer positions begin with a high school diploma and usually continue with some sort of vocational training. People who begin their careers in the construction industry are often well suited for photovoltaic training because they are accustomed to the