Purdue University Global-Des Moines

4655 North West 121 Street
Urbandale, IA 50323
Top Ranked (2024): View Rankings
  • Kaplan University has everything you need to train for a successful future. Because we value choice, we give you many options for beginning your college education. Through career-focused degree programs, our experienced instructors teach technical skills and inside knowledge that you won�t find in most textbooks. At Kaplan University, we understand your need for options when it comes to school. That is why we offer classes both day and night giving you the flexibility needed to balance your life and your education. You can continue working at your current job while receiving an education that could lead to a successful career. We also offer online courses to create even more balance in your life. Our programs are designed to provide you with knowledge and skills for the professional world, not just for the classroom. With employers increasingly hiring candidates with experience, training, and a formal education, an education from Kaplan University is just what you need. The courses, along with the externship opportunities we offer, can prepare you for the real-life challenges of a new career.

School Highlights

Purdue University Global-Des Moines serves 760 students (42% of students are full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 40:1 is higher than the state community college average of 12:1.
Minority enrollment is 51% of the student body (majority Black and Hispanic), which is more than the state average of 26%.

Quick Stats (2024)

  • Enrollment: 760 students
  • In-state tuition: $15,352
  • Out-state tuition: $15,352
  • Student:teacher ratio: 40:1
  • Minority enrollment: 51%
  • Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

School Overview

The teacher population of 19 teachers has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Purdue University Global-Des Moines
(IA) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges: Mixed Baccalaureate/Associate's
Associates Colleges
Institution Level
Four or more years
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Total Faculty
19 staff
274 staff
This chart display total faculty of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and community college average number of faculty in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.

Student Body

The student population of Purdue University Global-Des Moines has stayed relatively flat over five years.
The student:teacher ratio of 40:1 has stayed the same over five years.
The Purdue University Global-Des Moines diversity score of 0.62 is more than the state average of 0.44. The school's diversity has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Total Enrollment
760 students
2,501 students
This chart display the total enrollment of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and community college average number of enrollment of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
Student : Teacher Ratio
This chart display the student staff ratio of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and community college average student staff ratio of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
# Full-Time Students
318 students
1,099 students
This chart display the total number of Full-time students enrollment of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and average number of community college Full-time students enrollment of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
# Part-Time Students
442 students
1,402 students
This chart display the total number of Part-time students enrollment of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and average number of community college Part-time students enrollment of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
This chart display the Full-time students and Part-time students enrollment breakdown of Purdue University Global-Des Moines.
This chart display community college average Full-Time students and Part-Time students enrollment breakdown of IA.
# Enrollment Undergraduate
160 students
210 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
257 students
1,099 students
This chart display the total number of Full-time undergraduate students enrollment of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and average number of community college Full-time undergraduate  students enrollment of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
# Full-Time Graduate Students
61 students
45 students
This chart display the total number of Full-time graduate students enrollment of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and average number of community college Full-time graduate students enrollment of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
This chart display graduation rate breakdown of Purdue University Global-Des Moines
IA All Graduation Breakdown
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
1,396 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
457 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
411 students
% American Indian/Alaskan
This chart display the percentage of American Indian/Alaskan students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of American Indian/Alaskan community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
% Asian
This chart display the percentage of Asian students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of Asian community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Hispanic
This chart display the percentage of Hispanic students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of Hispanic community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Black
This chart display the percentage of Black students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of Black community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% White
This chart display the percentage of White students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of White community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Two or more races
This chart display the percentage of Two or more races students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of Two or more races community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Non Resident races
This chart display the percentage of Non Resident students in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percentage of Non Resident community college students in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Unknown races
This chart display the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Purdue University Global-Des Moines.
This chart display the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in IA.
Diversity Score
This chart display the diversity score of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the community college average diversity score of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)
This chart display average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and community college average graduate earnings (10 Years) of IA by year, disaggregated by student subgroups with the latest 2012-13 school year data.

Tuition and Acceptance Rate

The public in-state tuition of $15,352 is more than the state average of $4,331. The in-state tuition has stayed relatively flat over four years.
The public out-state tuition of $15,352 is more than the state average of $4,920. The out-state tuition has stayed relatively flat over four years.
In-State Tuition Fees
This chart display tuition fees for an in-state student of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the public community college average tuition fees for an in-state student of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
Out-State Tuition Fees
This chart display tuition fees for an out-of-state student of Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the public community college average tuition fees for an out-of-state student of IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid
This chart display the percent of students who is receiving some financial aid in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and the percent of community college students who is receiving some financial aid in IA by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
Median Debt for Graduates
This chart display median debt for students who have completed a certificate or degree in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and average median debt for community college students who have completed a certificate or degree in IA by year, with the latest 2018-19 school year data.
Median Debt for Dropouts
This chart display median debt for students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Purdue University Global-Des Moines and average median debt for community college students who have not completed a certificate or degree in IA by year, with the latest 2018-19 school year data.
Acceptance Rate
ACT Composite
ACT English
ACT Math
Source: 2021 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

School Notes

  • Hamilton College was originally established in Mason City, Iowa, in 1900 as a proprietary career college, and has the distinction of being the oldest continuously operating college in the state of Iowa specializing in business education. In 1980, Hamilton opened a campus in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to allow more students to be part of the Hamilton educational experience. In 1988, the Des Moines, Iowa, campus was added to create a triad of campuses to better accommodate the entire state. Hamilton College recently completed renovations on an additional 8,000 square feet of classroom and nursing lab space. The expansion brings the total campus size to just under 40,000 square feet. The Des Moines, Iowa, campus offers programs in Business, Legal, Information Technology and Healthcare. The 2+2 Bachelor of Science in Management Degree option is an innovative progam that combines the career-oriented focus of a two-year program with the academic curriculum of a four-year program. Hamilton College has a well-established and long-standing reputation for providing hands-on training in a student-centered learning environment. Through the 2+2 option, students receive the same advantages of a two-year program while having an opportunity to expand upon their base knowledge while working toward the Bachelor of Science in Management degree. The 2+2 Bachelor of Science in Managment degree with concentrations in Accounting, Business Administration, Criminal Justice and Management of Information Systems. The college is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Purdue University Global-Des Moines cost?
Purdue University Global-Des Moines's tuition is approximately $15,352 for In-State students and $15,352 for Out-State students.
What is Purdue University Global-Des Moines's ranking?

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Quick Stats (2024)

  • Enrollment: 760 students
  • In-state tuition: $15,352
  • Out-state tuition: $15,352
  • Student:teacher ratio: 40:1
  • Minority enrollment: 51%
  • Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

Did You Know?

For Iowa public community colleges, the average tuition is approximately $4,331 per year for in-state students and $4,920 for out-of-state students. For private community colleges, the average yearly tuition is approximately $17,086 per year. Read more about average community college tuition costs across the country.

Iowa community colleges have a diversity score of 0.44, which is lower than the national average of 0.70. The most diverse community college in Iowa is Ross College-Quad Cities. Read more about community college diversity statistics in the USA.

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