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Careers: Dental Hygienist, Medical Lab Technician & More Healthcare Positions
Careers: Dental Hygienist, Medical Lab Technician & More Healthcare Positions
Considering the healthcare field? Your community college can equip you for any number of healthcare positions, including Dental Hygienist, Medical Lab Technician, and more.
How to Earn Your GED and College Degree Simultaneously
How to Earn Your GED and College Degree Simultaneously
This comprehensive guide explores how students can earn their GED and college degree simultaneously through community college programs. It discusses the economic benefits, admission requirements, and steps to enroll in such programs, providing valuable information for those seeking to advance their education and career prospects.
Adult Learners: Upgrading Your Skills
Adult Learners: Upgrading Your Skills
We offer straightforward advice on identifying transferable skills, exploring job opportunities, leveraging community resources, and embracing lifelong learning. With relatable examples and encouragement, this guide aims to empower readers to navigate the job market confidently and successfully transition into new careers.