Student Populations

Attracting students from all walks of like, community college campuses are rich with diversity. This section covers a myriad of issues relating to student populations. Learn more about LGBT support on community college campuses, explore adult-friendly degree programmers and, see what resources are available to veterans.

View the most popular articles in Student Populations:

Community College Review Diversity Report: Which Campuses are Most Diverse?

Community College Review Diversity Report: Which Campuses are Most Diverse?
What states are home to the most diverse and least diverse community colleges? In our exclusive diversity report, we analyze our data to determine how much diversity there is on community college campuses throughout the United States. In addition, learn about the benefits of attending a community college with a diverse student body.

Part of the college experience today is learning with, and learning from, people different from ourselves. However, in the past, some colleges were racially segregated - particularly in the South - until desegregation began in the 1950s and increased diversity at college campuses. While some colleges cater to specific populations, such as women, in general, college campuses are bastions of racial, ethnic, religious, and social diversity. This diversity lends itself to an enhanced educational experience, better preparation for working for companies with diverse employees, and a greater understanding of others. But where are the most diverse community colleges located? We collected data from community colleges in each state and analyzed it to determine how much diversity exists.

Diversity Scores of Community Colleges

In order to appropriately compare the diversity of community colleges, we mined student data and calculated diversity scores for each state. Specifically, we were interested in the presence of more than one ethnic group on campus. Our formula determines the likelihood that any two students at a college are from different ethnic groups. Scores closer to zero indicate less diversity on campus, while a score closer to 1 indicates more diversity on campus. For example, a college exclusively for African-American students would have a diversity score of zero even though the student body is comprised of an ethnic minority because other ethnic groups would not be present on campus. Conversely, a college with five or six ethnic groups on campus would have a much higher

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Plus-50 Encore Completion Program Expanding, Thanks to Grants

Plus-50 Encore Completion Program Expanding, Thanks to Grants
Learn about the recent decision to provide additional grants to the Plus 50 Encore Completion program that trains baby boomers at community colleges for new careers.

Grants are now available for community colleges that would like to expand their offerings to include the Plus-50 Encore Completion program started by the American Association of Community Colleges. This program helps adults over the age of 50 find a new start in the workplace by training them up for in-demand industries today. The program is part of a larger initiative to increase the number of college graduates in the United States through 2020.

About the Plus-50 Encore Completion Program

The Plus-50 Encore Completion program was launched in 2008 to address the needs of baby boomers nearing retirement age. Many in that category were hit with the realization they would need to continue working into their retirement years, either for personal fulfillment or practical reasons. The program provides training for working adults to update their skills or learn completely new trades they can easily move into during their later years of employment.

The program is sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), through a $3.2 million grant provided by the Deerbrook Charitable Trust. In addition to implementing training programs for students in this age bracket, the initiative provides a way for community colleges to share ideas and plans for supporting adult students at community college campuses across the country. AACC has also engaged with an outside group to evaluate the success of the Plus-50 program, in order to assess its success and areas for improvement.

An independent evaluation of the Plus-50

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Veterans Services Abound at Community Colleges

Veterans Services Abound at Community Colleges
Take advantage of some of the ways community colleges are helping veterans get back on their feet.

For veterans returning to the U.S. after military service, the transition can be hard. These young men and women must adjust to the “real world” environment, often without the support of other veterans who understand firsthand what they are experiencing. Fortunately, many community colleges across the country are recognizing the needs of the veteran population and answering the call by providing job training, as well as emotional and physical support for those who have selflessly served their country. Check out the many veterans’ services offered by community colleges nationwide today.

Cayuga Community College Offers Veterans Club

At Cayuga Community College in New York, veterans can find the camaraderie, resources, and support they need to succeed in the world of higher education. reports that the Veterans Club on this campus was started by former marine Brian Knapp, who wanted to share information about available benefits and services with other vets. Knapp told that while he has enjoyed his experience at community college since coming back from Afghanistan, he found the benefits maze somewhat confusing to navigate.

“I wanted to know about my benefits and that’s why I started the club,” Knapp explained. “I thought other people wanted to know too.”

In addition to educating veterans about the benefits available to them, Knapp said the Veterans Club also provides bonds for vets that have had similar experiences and want to share those experiences with others who understand.

“In the military, you have

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10 Tips for Career Changers Heading to Community College

10 Tips for Career Changers Heading to Community College
We offer 10 sage tips from experts on how to effectively use community college to switch careers midway through your professional life.

The pandemic and post-pandemic era is the time for mid-life career changers making their career moves. Whether due to outsourcing, layoffs or dissatisfaction with their current positions and compensation, people are quitting their old careers. With many more adults deciding to venture into the hallowed halls of higher education today, those who do may find programs geared specifically to their needs. This is particularly true in community colleges, where more than half of the student body may be adults over the age of 22. However, before you launch a career change at your local community college, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

Define Your Goals

Carefully plotting your path is the first step to a successful community college experience, according to Career Search. When embarking on this process, it is important to consider your educational goals, as well as your professional ones. What classes do you need to take, and what degree do you need to earn to make your professional dreams a reality? This information is essential when you choose a school and register for classes, so have the goals in mind before you begin the process.

Jay Shetty suggests that you ask yourself three questions to help set goals.

Weigh Your Options

Community colleges offer a wealth of degree options today, allowing students to hone their career path to a very precise track that brings

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Does Higher Education at Community Colleges Perpetuate Inequality?

Does Higher Education at Community Colleges Perpetuate Inequality?
We examine recent reports that suggest increased enrollment in community colleges actually promotes inequality, rather than minimizing it.

Education is frequently touted as the great equalizer in today’s society, but a number of educators are now suggesting the education system may not be doing its job in effectively reducing disparities. Recent studies also seem to support these claims, offering evidence in the form of standardized test scores and college completion rates that suggest all things may not be created equal in the world of academia today. Does higher education at community colleges perpetuate this inequality, or is it the solution today’s society needs to reduce concerning disparities? The answer to that question may be yes on both counts.

In this video, Dr. Pedro Noguera discusses the role of community colleges in reducing racial inequality in education.

Colleges Increasing Access, Not Completion Rates

Inequality does not appear to be a result of restricted access to higher education opportunities. Since the recession, students have been heading to institutions of higher education in droves, whether to train for a new career or launch a successful field of study right out of high school. The increased enrollment at community colleges, in particular, has broadened the field to students from all economic and cultural backgrounds, guaranteeing a more diverse student body at many institutions across the country.

Unfortunately, the increased access to community colleges does not necessarily lead to higher completion rates. In fact, graduation rates at many community colleges are downright dismal – with

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