Community College Housing

The number of community colleges offering on-campus housing is on the rise. Learn more about campus living options, compare the pros and cons of dorm life, and get help deciding what housing is best for you.

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How to Survive Community College with Roommates

How to Survive Community College with Roommates
Living with roommates is part of an authentic college experience, but is it an option for community college students? Read on to learn about housing options in community college and to learn how to survive the year with roommates.

College is expensive, there’s no doubt about it. Because tuition prices are constantly on the rise, many graduating high school seniors choose to attend community college. Community college is a convenient and affordable way to obtain a 2-year degree or to complete some prerequisites before transferring to a 4-year college. But you still have to consider the cost of living.

Many community college students choose to live at home while studying to compound the money-saving benefits of attending community college. If you’re going to a school a little further from home, however, or if you’re looking for a more authentic college experience, you might be looking into other options. Whether you choose to live on campus or off, consider living with a roommate to save money.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of living with a roommate and talk about the pros and cons of living on campus versus off-campus living. We’ll also provide you with some simple tips for keeping the peace while living with a roommate while attending community college.

What Are the Benefits of Living with Roommates?

Everyone who’s ever lived with another person has horror stories about awkward or frustrating interactions. The truth is that sharing a space with another person is likely to bring up a few challenges. But what are the benefits of living with a roommate?

Here are a few of the good things to consider:

  • Having a roommate to split costs can save you a lot
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The Pros and Cons of On-Campus Housing for Community College

The Pros and Cons of On-Campus Housing for Community College
Can you really have an authentic college experience while living off-campus? This article explores the pros and cons of campus housing for community college students.

Many people who enter college become preoccupied with having an authentic college experience. They imagine late nights spent poring over textbooks, engaging in classroom discussions, and even wild parties on the weekend. But the truth is that there is no one true college experience. Each college and each student is unique. However, certain things about college can enhance or detract from your experience. One of them is on-campus housing.

The price differential between a four-year school versus a two-year school is staggering. But you may not realize that much of that price difference isn’t related to tuition or education fees. It is for housing. For many colleges, room and board is just as expensive (or more so) than tuition costs and fees. Going to a community college can save you a lot of money, but do you have to forgo the opportunity to live in on-campus housing? Maybe not.

How Many Community Colleges Offer Housing?

According to a recent American Association of Community Colleges poll, about 25% of community colleges in the United States offer their students on-campus housing. This number has risen dramatically since 2000, and it continues to rise. Among the latest community colleges to open on-campus residence halls for students are Jefferson Community College in New York, Rose State College in Oklahoma, and Northampton Community College in Pennsylvania, to name a few.

Below, you will find a list of other community

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Even More Campus Housing Coming to Community College Near You

Even More Campus Housing Coming to Community College Near You
We analyze the Community College Week report about the trend toward campus housing at community colleges nationwide and what it means for prospective students.

Campus housing has traditionally been seen as a privilege reserved for students of four-year colleges and universities. However, as the demand for affordable postsecondary education continues to rise, so does the availability of campus housing on community college campuses nationwide. While the number of community colleges offering on-campus living is still relatively small, the number is steadily growing. Why the sudden interest in dorm living from community college students? There appear to be many reasons for this rising trend.

The Demand for On-Campus Housing

A recent report from Community College Week highlights the increasing demand for on-campus housing many community colleges are now facing. According to the report, around 80 community colleges currently offer residence halls or dormitories, which is a relatively small percentage of the more than 1,200 community colleges across the country. However, more schools are announcing plans for building housing on campus, as community colleges are working to increase their presence as a viable postsecondary alternative to more expensive four-year schools.

Many community colleges are now recruiting student-athletes and boasting specialized programs that draw students from outside their immediate area. Without the ability to commute, these students are now on the hunt for affordable housing around the community college campus. On-campus dormitories and apartments have become the best solution for many schools today. As other schools see the popularity of campus housing, they are also implementing plans to construct their own housing to remain competitive in the community college market.

An increase

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Are Community College Dormitories a Good Idea?

Are Community College Dormitories a Good Idea?
With another community college planning to open campus housing for the next academic year, we analyze the pros and cons of campus housing for community colleges.

In an effort to provide a more complete college experience to students, many community colleges are adding student housing to the campus map. College dormitories have been a mainstay at four-year colleges and universities throughout their history, but housing at community colleges – home of the adult college student – is a relatively new idea. Are community college dormitories a good idea? Many schools and students are responding to that question with a resounding “yes.”

Community colleges are responding to a desire from students for more campus housing. The report in Diverse Issues in Higher Education stated that in 2000, 225 community colleges across the country offered dormitories on their campuses. By 2010, that number had increased to 260 schools. Just two years later, in 2012, that number had risen sharply to 391 two-year institutions. If the numbers are any indication, demand for campus housing at community colleges is on the rise.

Community Colleges Weigh Campus Housing Benefits

Although the addition of dormitories is growing at community colleges nationwide, the total number of campuses boasting student housing is still too few to collect good evidence on whether these dorms will pay off for schools. However, a report at the Glens Falls Post-Star found that many community colleges think the addition of dormitories is a positive one for two-year schools. Of the 30 community colleges in the state of New York, 15 now offer some type of on-campus housing to students.

According to

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Living on Campus: Student Housing Coming to a Community College Near You

Living on Campus: Student Housing Coming to a Community College Near You
Just a few short years ago, community college dormitories were a rarity. Today, more and more community colleges are building student housing, with an array of benefits for students. Learn about who is jumping onto the dorm bandwagon.

Community colleges have historically provided a much different environment than the traditional four-year university. One of the biggest differences between the two is that students at community colleges do not tend to live in a single community on or near the college campus. However, many community colleges across the country are tuning in to the advantages on-campus housing can provide to students of all ages. This article will explore the new trend of living on a community college campus and some of the schools around the country that are adopting this model for a richer, more community-oriented academic environment.

Benefits of Living On Campus

Community colleges are now realizing some of the benefits of living on campus that four-year colleges have known for generations, including:

  • Better proximity to college resources like the library and recreation center
  • Exposure to international lifestyles that comes from living near fellow students from around the globe
  • The ability to fully immerse oneself in the college experience by remaining in the environment after classes are finished for the day
  • Ease of meeting other students and building relationships with those in a similar season of life
  • Apartments or dormitories that are often fully furnished and affordable, providing an economic housing option to cash-strapped students

Today, many community college students are beginning to enjoy these benefits as their school campuses are adding housing to the mix. We will take a look at some of the specific colleges that allow students to live on campus or are adding housing options

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