- Ohio University Eastern is one of five Regional Campuses of Ohio University serving southeastern Ohio and the neighboring communities of West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Ohio University was established in 1804 as the first university in the state of Ohio and the Northwest Territory.
School Highlights
Ohio University-Eastern Campus serves 2,129 students (13% of students are full-time).
Minority enrollment is 15% of the student body (majority Black), which is less than the state average of 38%.
Quick Stats (2025)
- Enrollment: 2,129 students
- In-state tuition: $4,872
- Out-state tuition: $6,718
- Minority enrollment: 15%
- Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
Top Rankings
Ohio University-Eastern Campus ranks among the top 20% of public schools in Ohio for:
School Overview
The teacher population of 37 teachers has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Ohio University-Eastern Campus
(OH) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associate's Colleges: High Transfer-High Nontraditional
Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges: Mixed Baccalaureate/Associate's
Institution Level
Four or more years
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Private not-for-profit
Total Faculty
37 staff
93 staff

School Calendar
Student Body
The student population of Ohio University-Eastern Campus has grown by 107% over five years.
The Ohio University-Eastern Campus diversity score of 0.27 is less than the state average of 0.58. The school's diversity has grown by 31% over five years.
Total Enrollment
2,129 students
533 students

Student : Teacher Ratio

# Full-Time Students
276 students
397 students

# Part-Time Students
1,853 students
360 students



# Enrollment Undergraduate
212 students
308 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
276 students
385 students

# Full-Time Graduate Students
10 students
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
1,853 students
380 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
3 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
425 students
% American Indian/Alaskan

% Asian

% Hispanic

% Black

% White

% Hawaiian

% Two or more races

% Non Resident races

% Unknown races


Diversity Score

College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)

Tuition and Acceptance Rate
The public in-state tuition of $4,872 is less than the state average of $5,023. The in-state tuition has declined by 14% over four years.
The public out-state tuition of $6,718 is less than the state average of $10,825. The out-state tuition has declined by 22% over four years.
In-State Tuition Fees

Out-State Tuition Fees

% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid

Median Debt for Graduates

Median Debt for Dropouts

Acceptance Rate
SAT Reading
SAT Math
SAT Writing
ACT Composite
ACT English
ACT Math
Source: 2024 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
School Notes
- Ohio University Eastern is one of five regional campuses of Ohio University. Our primary mission is to offer Ohio University courses, programs, and selected degrees to the residents of Southeastern Ohio and neighboring states. We have campuses located at Athens, Chillicothe, Lancaster, Southern Campus and Zanesville. The Ohio University Eastern Campus consists of two buildings, Wilson Shannon Hall (1967) and the Robert W. Ney Health and Physical Education Center (1998), sitting in the midst of just over 300 acres of rolling hills in rural, eastern Ohio. A Science and Fine Arts addition to Shannon Hall is contemplated for the future. We offer the first two years, Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees, of nearly all of Ohio University's 250 majors. At the Eastern Campus, students can complete their undergraduate degrees in the following programs: Business Administration, Community Health Services, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Exercise Physiology, Gerontology Certificate, Health Communication, Health Services Administration, Middle Childhood Education, Nursing (BSN only), Organizational Communication, and Specialized Studies. Master's degrees are also offered.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Ohio University-Eastern Campus cost?
Ohio University-Eastern Campus's tuition is approximately $4,872 for In-State students and $6,718 for Out-State students.
What is Ohio University-Eastern Campus's ranking?
Ohio University-Eastern Campus ranks among the top 20% of community college in Ohio for: Least expensive tuition.
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