- GCC's state of the art campus on beautiful Mt. Zion sets the stage for mind clearing and big thinking. For over 85 years, we have been the small campus with the big commitment to your rewarding future offering over 55 associate degree and certificate programs! We also offer on campus housing, athletics, and one to one student support services. Where else can you fish the Lake Superior shores in the morning and hit the slopes by noon?
School Highlights
Gogebic Community College serves 1,048 students (38% of students are full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 11:1 is lower than the state community college average of 19:1.
Minority enrollment is 15% of the student body (majority Hispanic and American), which is less than the state average of 40%.
Quick Stats (2025)
- Enrollment: 1,048 students
- In-state tuition: $7,653
- Out-state tuition: $8,552
- Student:teacher ratio: 11:1
- Minority enrollment: 15%
- Source: Verified school update
School Overview
The teacher population of 99 teachers has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Gogebic Community College
(MI) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associate's Colleges: High Career & Technical-High Traditional
Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges: Associate's Dominant
Institution Level
Less than 2 yrs
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Total Faculty
99 staff
224 staff

School Calendar
Student Body
The student population of Gogebic Community College has grown by 10% over five years.
The student:teacher ratio of 11:1 has increased from 10:1 over five years.
The Gogebic Community College diversity score of 0.27 is less than the state average of 0.60. The school's diversity has grown by 21% over five years.
Total Enrollment
1,048 students
2,154 students

Student : Teacher Ratio

# Full-Time Students
397 students
878 students

# Part-Time Students
651 students
1,714 students



# Enrollment Undergraduate
104 students
225 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
397 students
889 students

# Full-Time Graduate Students
4 students
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
1,714 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
4 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
178 students

% American Indian/Alaskan

% Asian

% Hispanic

% Black

% White

% Hawaiian

% Two or more races

% Non Resident races

% Unknown races


Diversity Score

College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)

College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)

Tuition and Acceptance Rate
The public in-state tuition of $7,653 is more than the state average of $4,952. The in-state tuition has grown by 12% over four years.
The public out-state tuition of $8,552 is more than the state average of $6,896. The out-state tuition has grown by 10% over four years.
In-State Tuition Fees

Out-State Tuition Fees

Tuition Notes
Tuition/fees can vary depending on your residency. Please check with our admissions office at (906) 307-1207 or email admissions@gogebic.edu
% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid

Median Debt for Graduates

Median Debt for Dropouts

Acceptance Rate
Total Sports Offered
1 sport
Total ExtracurricularsTotal Extra-curric.
6 extracurriculars
Club or Organization:
ADAPT, Phi Theta Kappa, Religious Christian Groups, Student Senate
Recreational Athletic Programs:
eSports, Intramural Athletics
ADAPT, Phi Theta Kappa, Religious Christian Groups, Student Senate
Recreational Athletic Programs:
eSports, Intramural Athletics
Source: 2024 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) , School Administrators
School Notes
- Gogebic Community College was founded in 1932 and is a public, 2 year community college. It is situated at the corner of Jackson Road and Greenbush Street on the southeast slope of Mt. Zion. The principal classroom buildings are the Rutger Erickson Academic Building, the Carl Kleimola Technical Center, and the Jacob Solin Center for Business Education. The three buildings are connected by walkways on two floors and surround a courtyard. In addition to classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices, each building houses facilities and services for instructional support and student activities. A fourth building, the David G. Lindquist Student and Conference Center, is a focal point for student activities and athletics on campus and contains a gymnasium, walking track, weight rooms, lounges, Courtside Cafe and more. We offer excellent academic programs that transfer to baccalaureate institutions, career training programs, courses that will stimulate your imagination and personal growth. Whether you are making the initial transition to higher learning or coming back for continuing educational development, the college is focused on furthering your success. The college is accreditated by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Campus Suites Student Housing is located adjacent to the Lindquist Student and Conference Center and provides an opportunity for students to live on campus while attending GCC. Mt. Zion Winter Recreation Area is located on campus. GCC students with 6 credits or more ski free!
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Gogebic Community College cost?
Gogebic Community College's tuition is approximately $7,653 for In-State students and $8,552 for Out-State students.
What sports does Gogebic Community College offer?
Gogebic Community College offers 1 interscholastic sports: Volleyball.
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