For the 2025 school year, there is 1 community college serving 103 students in the neighborhood of Wynwood Art District, Miami, FL.
Minority enrollment is 99% of the student body (majority Black).
The student:teacher ratio of 8:1 is less than the state average of 20:1.
Community Colleges in the Neighborhood of Wynwood Art District, Miami, FL (2025)
Frequently Asked Questions
How many community colleges are located in the neighborhood of Wynwood Art District, Miami, FL?
There is 1 community colleges serving 103 students in the neighborhood of Wynwood Art District, Miami, FL.
How diverse are community college in the neighborhood of Wynwood Art District, Miami, FL?
Community colleges in the neighborhood of Wynwood Art District, Miami, FL have approximately 99% minority enrollment, with the majority being Black.
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