Careers: Environmental Science & Sustainability

Careers: Environmental Science & Sustainability
Discover how community colleges are playing a vital role in preparing students for a sustainable future through specialized programs, hands-on experiences, and comprehensive coursework. Learn about the diverse range of careers in environmental sustainability, from renewable energy and green technology to conservation and resource management. Whether you're a recent high school graduate, a career changer, or someone looking to make a positive impact on the planet, community colleges provide the perfect pathway to embark on a fulfilling career in environmental sustainability.

As the government is now offering tax cuts and financial incentives for companies and individuals to “go green,” community college students are finding incredibly vast opportunities in the fields of environmental safety and studies.

The economy is predicting a new rise in “green collar workers,” and subsequently, more students are preparing for jobs in the field of renewing resources, eliminating corporate and facility emissions, and other “green” career avenues. If you want to enter a greener career path, consider starting at your local community college.

This video offers an overview of careers in sustainability.

Green Energy Careers

As the Los Angeles Times reports, the new studies in climate change and global warming are inspiring a whole new range of careers and collegiate studies; “Concern about climate change is galvanizing more undergraduate students to turn toward a subject involving science and engineering.”

In fact, many college students feel confident that an environmental educational pathway will lead to an array of job opportunities upon graduation. As President Obama is proposing a multibillion-dollar push to stimulate clean energy standards, the President is striving to improve the environment while also hoping to create millions of new “green collar” jobs.

Presenting that college engineering programs have dropped over 5 percent from 2003 to 2005, Obama argues that new environmental studies and engineering careers will be the key to boosting the country’s economic recovery. To help students pursue this career pathway, Obama’s stimulus plan includes $20 billion dollars to improve basic and applied scientific studies and research. This funding can help college students and professionals to research cheaper solar cells, greater wind turbine efficiency, and more effective and longer-lasting batteries.

This video offers a look at career paths for non-scientists in the environmental scientific field.

Community Colleges and “Green” Studies

As Green for All reveals, community colleges will continue to play an imperative role in pushing our fuel-based society toward a new reliance on renewable resources and energy. As ecological experts speak out, many believe that community college programs will be the “fulcrum” on which a transition from fuel to renewable energy will be made. More industries are continuing to evolve in the fields of solar, wind, and other natural powers, and subsequently, the workforce will continue to demand green experts, engineers, and construction workers.

Currently, there is an array of schools offering environmental studies for “green collar” career preparation. For example, Austin Community College(ACC), located in Austin, Texas, allows students to pursue an Associate’s Degree in environmental science and technology in addition to other eco-based majors. While pursuing eco-based programs at ACC, students have the advantage of enrolling in diverse courses such as:

  • Issues in Environmental Science
  • Environmental Regulations Overview
  • Environmental Sampling and Analysis
  • Surface and Groundwater Collection

Adding to these classes, ACC students can even participate in an environmental engineering and environmental technology internship and join eco-friendly clubs.

In addition to the opportunities at ACC, Manchester Community College (MCC), located in Manchester, Connecticut, is another one of the many schools providing students with environmental education and engineering programs. Like ACC, MCC students can enroll in various environmentally-based courses. Best of all, MCC additionally provides students with a “Pathways Program,” wherein students enrolled in an engineering-based major are provided with additional transferring support if students choose to continue their studies to pursue a four-year degree at a cooperating Connecticut university.

While the starting salary and wages for the up-and-coming ecological careers vary, depending upon the specific job and its location, many students are hopeful that the new demand for eco-friendly experts will result in a steady rise in pay. Considering that President Obama asserts that he is dedicated to helping environmental careers and college studies, many soon-to-be graduates are looking forward to an open job field that is eager to hire students to change the environmental landscape.

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#EnvironmentalSustainability #CareerTraining #CommunityCollege #RenewableEnergy #GreenTechnology #Conservation #ResourceManagement #SustainableFuture #EducationForChange

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Career Training

Are you concerned about the environment? Do you want to help stem global warming and rainforest decimation? If so, a green career may be for you. Community colleges around the country are offering programs in sustainable energy, from solar panels to wind turbines. From biodiesel to energy storage, explore your green career options here.
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