Consolidated School of Business-York (Closed 2018)

1605 Clugston Rd
York, PA 17404
  • Located in beautiful south central Pennsylvania, CSB is a small, private school with campuses in York county and Lancaster county. Our Associate in Specialized Business degree and diploma programs provide students with relevant, practical, problem-solving curriculums for today?s world of business and technology.

School Highlights

Consolidated School of Business-York served 107 students (99% of students were full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 15:1 was higher than the state community college average of 11:1.
Minority enrollment was 37% of the student body (majority Black), which was less than the state average of 39%.

School Overview

Consolidated School of Business-York
(PA) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associates Colleges
Associates Colleges
Institution Level
Less than 2 yrs
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Private, for profit
Private not-for-profit
Total Faculty
7 staff
58 staff
This chart display total faculty of Consolidated School of Business-York and community college average number of faculty in PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
Number of Programs Offered

Student Body

Total Enrollment
107 students
448 students
This chart display the total enrollment of Consolidated School of Business-York and community college average number of enrollment of PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
Student : Teacher Ratio
This chart display the student staff ratio of Consolidated School of Business-York and community college average student staff ratio of PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
# Full-Time Students
106 students
282 students
This chart display the total number of Full-time students enrollment of Consolidated School of Business-York and average number of community college Full-time students enrollment of PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
# Part-Time Students
1 students
166 students
This chart display the total number of Part-time students enrollment of Consolidated School of Business-York and average number of community college Part-time students enrollment of PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
This chart display the Full-time students and Part-time students enrollment breakdown of Consolidated School of Business-York.
This chart display community college average Full-Time students and Part-Time students enrollment breakdown of PA.
# Enrollment Undergraduate
110 students
312 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
106 students
297 students
This chart display the total number of Full-time undergraduate students enrollment of Consolidated School of Business-York and average number of community college Full-time undergraduate  students enrollment of PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
# Full-Time Graduate Students
18 students
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
243 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
21 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
330 students
% Asian
This chart display the percentage of Asian students in Consolidated School of Business-York and the percentage of Asian community college students in PA by year, with the latest 2012-13 school year data.
% Hispanic
This chart display the percentage of Hispanic students in Consolidated School of Business-York and the percentage of Hispanic community college students in PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
% Black
This chart display the percentage of Black students in Consolidated School of Business-York and the percentage of Black community college students in PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
% White
This chart display the percentage of White students in Consolidated School of Business-York and the percentage of White community college students in PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
% Two or more races
This chart display the percentage of Two or more races students in Consolidated School of Business-York and the percentage of Two or more races community college students in PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
% Non Resident races
% Unknown races
This chart display the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Consolidated School of Business-York.
This chart display the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in PA.
Diversity Score
This chart display the diversity score of Consolidated School of Business-York and the community college average diversity score of PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
This chart display completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Consolidated School of Business-York and community college average completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of PA by year, with the latest 2014-15 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)
This chart display average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Consolidated School of Business-York and community college average graduate earnings (10 Years) of PA by year, disaggregated by student subgroups with the latest 2012-13 school year data.

Tuition and Acceptance Rate

% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid
This chart display the percent of students who is receiving some financial aid in Consolidated School of Business-York and the percent of community college students who is receiving some financial aid in PA by year, with the latest 2015-16 school year data.
Median Debt for Graduates
This chart display median debt for students who have completed a certificate or degree in Consolidated School of Business-York and average median debt for community college students who have completed a certificate or degree in PA by year, with the latest 2014-15 school year data.
Median Debt for Dropouts
This chart display median debt for students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Consolidated School of Business-York and average median debt for community college students who have not completed a certificate or degree in PA by year, with the latest 2014-15 school year data.
Acceptance Rate
SAT Reading
SAT Math
SAT Writing
ACT Composite
ACT English
ACT Math
ACT Writing
Source: 2016 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) , School Administrators

School Notes

  • Consolidated School of Business was incorporated in November 1981. In February 1982, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, State Board of Private Licensed Schools approved CSB licensure to open a business school in York. The school was awarded accreditation by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) in December 1984. CSB's York campus is located in the York City Business and Industry Park. The campus includes 13 classrooms, a medical lab, a learning resource center, a student lounge, and a spacious student patio. The building is situated on 6.2 acres with 200 on-site parking spaces available. Students with disabilities will find that the building is equipped to meet their needs. CSB offers Degree Programs in Business Administration, Computerized Accounting Management, Computerized Office Management, Legal Administrative Assistant and Medical Administrative Assistant. The college offers Diploma Programs in Clerical Accounting Specialist, Legal Office Specialist, Medical Office Specialist and Office Associate.

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